It is even a false economy to use regen going down a hill IF it stops you building up a little more speed to climb up the next hill that is inevitably ahead of you.
It's not even necessary to have a hill ahead, but that's a good example.
I'll add another one.
Imagine a part of a road which is flat, then downhill for a bit, then flat again. Driving speed is 50mph.
Driver #1 has regen set to off/lowest setting and once he gets to the downhill part he removes his foot from the accelerator and lets the car roll freely. The descent makes the car hit, say, 55mph at the bottom of the hill. He keeps his foot off the accelerator for a while longer and gets back to it once the speeds matches the original 50mph and proceeds at this speed.
Driver #2 has regen set to the max setting. Once he reaches the downhill part he lifts his foot just enough to keep the car at the same speed throughout the whole descend (50mph), while regening in the process. Another way to put it is to set the ACC to 50mph and let the car do its thing.
If we measure the energy spend by each driver, between a point before the downhill and a few meters after, the conclusion will be that Driver #2 drove
less efficiently than Driver #1 - even after spending the energy he regenerated.
If it's 5% you wouldn't have otherwise, is that to be sneezed at?
But did you benefit from gaining those 5% in the first place? That's the whole point, as explained above.
For the record, I want to make it clear that I'm not saying that regen is a bad thing or that one shouldn't use it; on the contrary. Because in real life and actual traffic we often are forced to brake/stop, it is a blessing to have regen and be able to reuse part of that energy.
I also agree that, because EVs are so much cheaper to run than ICEVs, we should actually be less worried about efficiency (especially in such small amounts as the ones involved in this regen discussion) and just enjoy the benefits of electric driving.
But I also think it is just as important for people to understand that the whole idea of using regen "as much as possible" is not necessarily a good thing (from an efficiency point of view).