Established Member
No the bottom line is none of them are true.The bottom line is only one of these can be true:
- Tesla produced a charger that has some non - compliance to the standard. All manufacturers other than MG did something to handle the non-compliance (either intentionally or unintentionally)
No it caught out other manufacturers as well as MG. This option is not the case as it ignores the other manufacturers and cars that experienced similar problems. The dogmatic approach that only MG have had problems has no foundation. It can be repeated many times but it doesn't change the fact that this not true: Tesla have added to the implementation and this caught out Ford, Chevy,Rivian, Kia, Hyundai and MG to name but a few. This option is not true irrespective of how many times it is repeated.
This is not a true option either. Given that Tesla admit that they do a superset using messaging protocol that is not defined in the CCS standard yet used the same CCS powerline comms , given that they have charging issues with 800V cars that are covered in the standard, they cannot be classed as complient in the true sense. They provide an implementation which works most of the time, but this is not complience. They impose messages that are not in the spec so any other CCS device would not expect to see them or know what they were and suddenly manufacturers were suddenly locked out when they worked previously. You constantly forget that MGs and others worked before the upgrades and the fact afterwards that other manufacturers had similar problems. Again the claim that CCS is a standard and if it works, you are compliant, and thus it must always work is another myth. Want to see that document of how many ways you can implement the standard but still not be work?Or
- Tesla chargers are compliant, as are other manufacturers and MG failed to be compliant (presumably because Tesla are doing something within the handshake that MG don't typically see from other charging providers, but is to standard)
Tesla amongst many others funded an organisation called Charin who developed a compliance test which was initially released around 2018. If Tesla and others were compliant why have they not certified themselves? The only charger that has passed so far is from ABB. If Tesla were so compliant it would have been a doddle to go through the process. They and everyone apart from ABB have not. So the term compliant is meaningless in this situation as no one apart from ABB has had the compliance tested. Even that was a basic certification.
You constantly rant about it being an MG and only an MG problem with no explanations for the evidence that says otherwise but it is not going to change things or make the evidence go away.
It seems to me that the real crux is that you don't want to pay for an upgrade to work correctly with a Tesla CCS charger because CCS is a perfect standard and it is thus 100%MG problem. The problem is that the facts indicate that Tesla were the cause and at least partially responsible for the issues associated with their charger. Valid point of view but not when it ignores facts and evidence. such as these.