Hi Clive. Thanks for your interest and help.
Clicking on the 3 dots offers up a series of choices, which are almost identical no mater if FM, or DAB is selected, non of them however provide anything relating to adjusting an equaliser/whatever.
You will see that one offers a choice of DAB to DAB, but selecting that does nothing, and without a proper manual there is no way to discover exactly what it is meant to do.
MG have rushed this model into the marketplace, I think I’ve already said, there’s no proper brochure, and no proper manual online, or paper. There is the one on iSmart, and another online, but they are in now way comprehensive, which the car is. The online one does not appertain to the ZS HYBRID + in a number of instances, which is bloody confusing.
Added to this is the fact that I’ve had difficulty insuring mine, due to the underwriter’s not having added the model to the list yet. All of these are oversights, which might well get adverse comment on line, and make prospective customers think twice.
If the time and effort spent producing a new car is compared to producing a manual and brochure it just doesn’t make sense.
My dealer, as said is 28 miles away, and the effort and cost of overcoming these, what are minor shortcomings, is making me wonder if I made the right choice.
Biding my time currently, however, I’m getting close to contacting Guy Pigounakis, the Commercial Director at MG Motor UK, and bringing my concerns to his attention.
Really Many thanks for your help and support, Noel.