HV battery shutoff when initiating rapid charge. Vehicle control system fault.

Ok so let’s hope we get a resolution that I can document on Here to help others. I have a new look 2022 MG ZS SE EV 500miles on clock mid range since. Sunday 6th March 2022 at Warwick services M40 plugged into rapid charger that didn’t charge so went to move over to other known working charger and car showed

Vehicle control system fault.​

HV battery shutoff​

Before anyway suggests anything please read on.
Tried (1) 12v battery charge to full and tested - no difference in warning.
Tried (2) disconnect negative terminal and wait for 15min - that doesn’t work.

Things did evolve a little after second disconnection of 12v neg terminal fortunately this was on my drive - car now in drive and immobile. Eg previously car could be moved by being pushed around (parking brake off and in neutral) was needed to get on recovery vehicle. Now can’t get back on recovery vehicle as not in Neutral, N flashes rather than goes steady state, when you try push car it rocks against the gears like ICE would do in first gear.

Other data points:-
Car was at 65 miles about 44% was a cold night (I ended up with a cold)
Jumping 12v battery does nothing AA 3rd party tried that.
Disconnecting various easy to reach boxes under bonnet - does nothing.
Slow start, Eg foot on brake wait, then press start wait, - does nothing.
Placing key in weird locations around driving wheel does nothing 2nd AA 3rd party tried that
Charging Hv battery - won’t charge says connected but not charging.
Near battery is fuse/ relay box, has a bunch of big fuses all quite visible and easy to check with human eye if blown
Behind glove box is another fuse box, (x2 cross head screws to remove panel) again has some big fuses in it but there is A cover which so far I haven’t removed as very difficult.
If you are on your own and have to move car you will need to close the drivers door latch as whilst driver door open, parking brake slams on, just remember to pull handle to open latch before slamming door. Also note steering will be heavy as will car, be ready to get your foot on the foot brake if car runs away.

AA and all third party recovery folks have no clue at this time about EV’s especially ones so new. I’m sure it will be a steep and quick learning curve.
So of to the garage it goes if AA every pick it up from drive? As I said I hope to keep you informed obvs this assumes MG advise.
One last favour please do not feel the need to respond unless you have read the above and have a validated resolution I can try. Note I’m an Engineer of Electronics and know my way around large Li-Ion batteries.
great news car was fixed within an hour - once it reached the MG garage.
ODB port connected (found located under steering wheel) raft of error messages recorded and I hope sent to the boffins to determine root cause and permanent solution.
Warnings wiped eg ‘vehicle control system fault‘ cleared which was for obvs reasons ‘shutting off HV battery’.
So in summary and no offence meant to recovery services, if you do breakdown:-
you can try the usual IT issue resolutions listed below.
BUT in reality call MG assistance AKA the AA, but ensure you say you need recovery to MG garage only! As they are the only ones with ODB reader and NO it’s apparently not portable!!

(1) turn off and on a few times ( this will be flattening the 12v battery the longer you try)
(2) disconnected 12v battery terminal (you’ll need a 10mm spanner)
(3) 12v battery is good, (can be seen in battery menu, but note its the bars under the battery sim boo you are interested in eg apparently 7 bars is fully charged, however I found 4 bars was good enough, also car will clearly show a warning when battery is getting low)

Obviously MG like all the recovery services are all in a steep learning curve from ICE which they have years of experience to electrification.

Now take this bit or leave it as its speculation as the MG boffins won’t come back to me. However my credentials for the speculation is: I know a few things about root cause analysis and more importantly electrification of vehicles using big Li-Ion batteries And their control and necessary safety.
A) Hooking up a vehicle to any charger isn’t just plugging in some power, there is some comms that happens ‘hand shake’, the comms is to agree correct vehicle, charger, charge state, balancing etc.. I plugged my vehicle into a faulty charger M40 south bound Warwick services. I know this as the 3 other vehicles after me didnt get any charge, but fortunately drove away. for my car a bunch of failure/warning messages a possible power surge from charger, and the vehicle did what it’s designed to do ‘fail safe’ eg shut down HV battery.
B) warning messages: there are messages that are just warnings like drive door open which shouldn’t fill up warning logs and shouldn’t isolate HV battery, then there are warnings that should for safety reasons put vehicle in safe state, in hope some MG boffs review these sites.
B1) I’d suggest ensure warnings are prioritised and discarded over time.
b2) all the MG vehicles have wireless comms and should be able to be diagnosed remotely and therefore warnings recorded and cleared remotely in the field To allow drive?
b3) if b2 is not easy make portable MG ODB readers and give to recover folks ;)

finally we should all try and help the boffins improve the glitches as the car is superb, don’t just wipe messages ensure garage send warning messages onto MG boffs.
I expect the issue will happen again but I’m going to where at all possible avoid rapid chargers, stick to >22kw ones…. Right that’s me dine hope it helps
great news car was fixed within an hour - once it reached the MG garage.
ODB port connected (found located under steering wheel) raft of error messages recorded and I hope sent to the boffins to determine root cause and permanent solution.
Warnings wiped eg ‘vehicle control system fault‘ cleared which was for obvs reasons ‘shutting off HV battery’.
So in summary and no offence meant to recovery services, if you do breakdown:-
you can try the usual IT issue resolutions listed below.
BUT in reality call MG assistance AKA the AA, but ensure you say you need recovery to MG garage only! As they are the only ones with ODB reader and NO it’s apparently not portable!!

(1) turn off and on a few times ( this will be flattening the 12v battery the longer you try)
(2) disconnected 12v battery terminal (you’ll need a 10mm spanner)
(3) 12v battery is good, (can be seen in battery menu, but note its the bars under the battery sim boo you are interested in eg apparently 7 bars is fully charged, however I found 4 bars was good enough, also car will clearly show a warning when battery is getting low)

Obviously MG like all the recovery services are all in a steep learning curve from ICE which they have years of experience to electrification.

Now take this bit or leave it as its speculation as the MG boffins won’t come back to me. However my credentials for the speculation is: I know a few things about root cause analysis and more importantly electrification of vehicles using big Li-Ion batteries And their control and necessary safety.
A) Hooking up a vehicle to any charger isn’t just plugging in some power, there is some comms that happens ‘hand shake’, the comms is to agree correct vehicle, charger, charge state, balancing etc.. I plugged my vehicle into a faulty charger M40 south bound Warwick services. I know this as the 3 other vehicles after me didnt get any charge, but fortunately drove away. for my car a bunch of failure/warning messages a possible power surge from charger, and the vehicle did what it’s designed to do ‘fail safe’ eg shut down HV battery.
B) warning messages: there are messages that are just warnings like drive door open which shouldn’t fill up warning logs and shouldn’t isolate HV battery, then there are warnings that should for safety reasons put vehicle in safe state, in hope some MG boffs review these sites.
B1) I’d suggest ensure warnings are prioritised and discarded over time.
b2) all the MG vehicles have wireless comms and should be able to be diagnosed remotely and therefore warnings recorded and cleared remotely in the field To allow drive?
b3) if b2 is not easy make portable MG ODB readers and give to recover folks ;)

finally we should all try and help the boffins improve the glitches as the car is superb, don’t just wipe messages ensure garage send warning messages onto MG boffs.
I expect the issue will happen again but I’m going to where at all possible avoid rapid chargers, stick to >22kw ones…. Right that’s me dine hope it helps

Do you mean we only use 50Kwh charger to charge the car?
Do you mean we only use 50Kwh charger to charge the car?
No, use whatever you feel you need. If its worked before go for it. But do ask yourself if it faults and shuts down your HV is the MG garage open? I for one will seriously consider using a unknown charger a risk, especially on a Sunday night and outside the AA relay zone for my area! cheers
Ok so let’s hope we get a resolution that I can document on Here to help others. I have a new look 2022 MG ZS SE EV 500miles on clock mid range since. Sunday 6th March 2022 at Warwick services M40 plugged into rapid charger that didn’t charge so went to move over to other known working charger and car showed

Vehicle control system fault.​

HV battery shutoff​

Before anyway suggests anything please read on.
Tried (1) 12v battery charge to full and tested - no difference in warning.
Tried (2) disconnect negative terminal and wait for 15min - that doesn’t work.

Things did evolve a little after second disconnection of 12v neg terminal fortunately this was on my drive - car now in drive and immobile. Eg previously car could be moved by being pushed around (parking brake off and in neutral) was needed to get on recovery vehicle. Now can’t get back on recovery vehicle as not in Neutral, N flashes rather than goes steady state, when you try push car it rocks against the gears like ICE would do in first gear.

Other data points:-
Car was at 65 miles about 44% was a cold night (I ended up with a cold)
Jumping 12v battery does nothing AA 3rd party tried that.
Disconnecting various easy to reach boxes under bonnet - does nothing.
Slow start, Eg foot on brake wait, then press start wait, - does nothing.
Placing key in weird locations around driving wheel does nothing 2nd AA 3rd party tried that
Charging Hv battery - won’t charge says connected but not charging.
Near battery is fuse/ relay box, has a bunch of big fuses all quite visible and easy to check with human eye if blown
Behind glove box is another fuse box, (x2 cross head screws to remove panel) again has some big fuses in it but there is A cover which so far I haven’t removed as very difficult.
If you are on your own and have to move car you will need to close the drivers door latch as whilst driver door open, parking brake slams on, just remember to pull handle to open latch before slamming door. Also note steering will be heavy as will car, be ready to get your foot on the foot brake if car runs away.

AA and all third party recovery folks have no clue at this time about EV’s especially ones so new. I’m sure it will be a steep and quick learning curve.
So of to the garage it goes if AA every pick it up from drive? As I said I hope to keep you informed obvs this assumes MG advise.
One last favour please do not feel the need to respond unless you have read the above and have a validated resolution I can try. Note I’m an Engineer of Electronics and know my way around large Li-Ion batteries.
This failure has happened to us twice and AA patrolman inserted his ODB analyser. No faults came up on his system but it was not MG specific so he reset the system and this cleared the fault. Was then OK for another week or so then same thing happened and same AA patrolman did exactly the same. Two MG dealers said can't diagnose the system if the fault is not live so have to wait for it to happen again and get towed to the dealer for full diagnostic check. What a faff! This is not good enough.
This failure has happened to us twice and AA patrolman inserted his ODB analyser. No faults came up on his system but it was not MG specific so he reset the system and this cleared the fault. Was then OK for another week or so then same thing happened and same AA patrolman did exactly the same. Two MG dealers said can't diagnose the system if the fault is not live so have to wait for it to happen again and get towed to the dealer for full diagnostic check. What a faff! This is not good enough.
Agreed. They need remote access to the fault codes via the server and inbuilt modem.
I've just had a similar issue with my MG ZS EV earlier today, or yesterday actually as it's past midnight...
In my case though, I started the car as usual to go shopping (ac off / heating off / radio on after starting the car).
Reversed onto the street from my parking space, switched to driving mode and started driving for about 300m up to the end of my small street that leads to another small street that connects other 2 bigger roads.
I was driving with no more than 20 mph when the car stopped suddenly right when I was getting to the end of the street and signalled the 2 error messages :View attachment 172View attachment 173
View attachment 174

As you can see the 12V battery is 50%+ (so 12V+) range is over 50% (probably around 75% ), but still it's scary how the car stopped while running.
I could have had really high speed on a motorway somewhere, god knows what would have happened then.

The strange thing though, after getting these errors, the car wouldn't stop!!
Start/Stop button wasn't working anymore, so the car wouldn't close with the key.
Got rescued back home where the stop button worked, but when I tried to start the car, it didn't want to switch to Ready state anymore, and keeps signalling the errors.
To stop the car in this situation, do not press the brake pedal when switching off. It happened to me last week.
Ok so let’s hope we get a resolution that I can document on Here to help others. I have a new look 2022 MG ZS SE EV 500miles on clock mid range since. Sunday 6th March 2022 at Warwick services M40 plugged into rapid charger that didn’t charge so went to move over to other known working charger and car showed

Vehicle control system fault.​

HV battery shutoff​

Before anyway suggests anything please read on.
Tried (1) 12v battery charge to full and tested - no difference in warning.
Tried (2) disconnect negative terminal and wait for 15min - that doesn’t work.

Things did evolve a little after second disconnection of 12v neg terminal fortunately this was on my drive - car now in drive and immobile. Eg previously car could be moved by being pushed around (parking brake off and in neutral) was needed to get on recovery vehicle. Now can’t get back on recovery vehicle as not in Neutral, N flashes rather than goes steady state, when you try push car it rocks against the gears like ICE would do in first gear.

Other data points:-
Car was at 65 miles about 44% was a cold night (I ended up with a cold)
Jumping 12v battery does nothing AA 3rd party tried that.
Disconnecting various easy to reach boxes under bonnet - does nothing.
Slow start, Eg foot on brake wait, then press start wait, - does nothing.
Placing key in weird locations around driving wheel does nothing 2nd AA 3rd party tried that
Charging Hv battery - won’t charge says connected but not charging.
Near battery is fuse/ relay box, has a bunch of big fuses all quite visible and easy to check with human eye if blown
Behind glove box is another fuse box, (x2 cross head screws to remove panel) again has some big fuses in it but there is A cover which so far I haven’t removed as very difficult.
If you are on your own and have to move car you will need to close the drivers door latch as whilst driver door open, parking brake slams on, just remember to pull handle to open latch before slamming door. Also note steering will be heavy as will car, be ready to get your foot on the foot brake if car runs away.

AA and all third party recovery folks have no clue at this time about EV’s especially ones so new. I’m sure it will be a steep and quick learning curve.
So of to the garage it goes if AA every pick it up from drive? As I said I hope to keep you informed obvs this assumes MG advise.
One last favour please do not feel the need to respond unless you have read the above and have a validated resolution I can try. Note I’m an Engineer of Electronics and know my way around large Li-Ion batteries.
Happened to my Trophy LR last week. Same as you tried everything. 3x AA men tried but none of their laptops would communicate with the car. Flat bed home. AA took it to dealer the next day who reset it and fitted a new 12v. MG UK told them to update the VCU and EVCC software. Now back with us at home working fine, not tried another rapid charge yet.
Happened to my Trophy LR last week. Same as you tried everything. 3x AA men tried but none of their laptops would communicate with the car. Flat bed home. AA took it to dealer the next day who reset it and fitted a new 12v. MG UK told them to update the VCU and EVCC software. Now back with us at home working fine, not tried another rapid charge yet.
Happened to us today at Stafford services M6 Southbound. Flatbed all the way to Fareham 150 ish miles! Sat outside ready to be taken to the dealer after the bank holiday! My ZS EV Exclusive is booked in for a service same day so looks like we may need to try and fast track a loan car from the dealer while they have both of ours!
Remote over the air diagnostic is available with SAIC vans available in the UK, so why hasn't this been implemented by mg?
That would be a great feature, saving huge frustrations and time.

I hope that they can implement it via an over-the-air update to all existing facelift vehicles. I suspect that there will be a reason that won't be possible, but I can hope.

Now, if only MG were as responsive with OTA updates as Tesla. They really seem to take their time with updates.
hola hace 6 meses tuve el mismo fallo al inicio reiniciaba el vh desconectando batería 12v luego empezó a ser mas frecuente mas fallas hasta que un día ya el reinicio no funciono se encuentra en taller de la marca no tienen idea de nada han cambiado módulos pero nada persiste el fallo mal mg pésima experiencia creo que los chinos en vh eléctricos son como hace años con los de combustión una mierda.

si tengo novedades de la marca sobre el fallo si es que dan con el ya van 6 meses jajaja
les comento.

hola hace 6 meses tuve el mismo fallo al inicio reiniciaba el vh desconectando batería 12v luego empezó a ser mas frecuente mas fallas hasta que un día ya el reinicio no funciono se encuentra en taller de la marca no tienen idea de nada han cambiado módulos pero nada persiste el fallo mal mg pésima experiencia creo que los chinos en vh eléctricos son como hace años con los de combustión una mierda.

si tengo novedades de la marca sobre el fallo si es que dan con el ya van 6 meses jajaja
les comento.

English translation for those of us who don't speak spanish

hello 6 months ago I had the same error at the beginning I restarted the vh by disconnecting the 12v battery then it began to be more frequent more failures until one day the restart did not work it is in the brand's workshop they have no idea of anything they have changed modules but nothing the fault persists bad mg terrible experience I think the Chinese in electric vhs are like crap years ago with the combustion ones.

If I have news from the brand about the failure, if they find it, it's been 6 months already hahaha
I tell you.
Same thing happened to us when trying to rapid charge. Twice. On holiday in West Wales. Eventually obtained alternative vehicle to continue holiday. Hopefully our 3 week old MG ZS EV LONG range now being taken from overnight AA compound to Richmond MG at Southampton. Feeling very nervous
Not a good start to our EV experience. Will feedback after dealers and am alert to all your info. Thanks.
I can see that this will soon be in the Press as it appears that current cars are not fit for purpose. Hopefully exposure will mean that more effort is put in by MG to resolve this issue quickly. Their software validation appears to be lacking big time!
Same thing happened to us when trying to rapid charge. Twice. On holiday in West Wales. Eventually obtained alternative vehicle to continue holiday. Hopefully our 3 week old MG ZS EV LONG range now being taken from overnight AA compound to Richmond MG at Southampton. Feeling very nervous
Not a good start to our EV experience. Will feedback after dealers and am alert to all your info. Thanks.
This has happened twice to me, 1st time 12 miles on the clock, 5 of which it came with. Charged it at fast charger since the garage didnt, picked up 20%, ikea charger to 70% and left it in the carpark to be recovered.

200 miles later, same thing charged it on another fast charger.

MG now have the car 8 days, still no update and got a hybrid honda Jizz as a replacement which is embarrassment and will not be driven.
I can see that this will soon be in the Press as it appears that current cars are not fit for purpose. Hopefully exposure will mean that more effort is put in by MG to resolve this issue quickly. Their software validation appears to be lacking big time!

Oh i already made people walk out the MG branch after i caused a fuss, 2 people were in process of asking about them, got up and left.
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