You must give all the "consents" on the APP and in the car,
you will receive a message (on the APP, Message / Command):
"Privacy information Accepted": You have accepted . . . of iSmart and the APP functions will be activated.
Previously always on the APP, you must have received the message:
"Vehicle Registered": Your vehicle has connected successfully . . . .
On the APP, last icon on the bottom right (black circle) / Settings / Privacy Policy / Accept.
I find the APP very useful.
- Vehicle status (updated every time): all the vehicle information, including the safety of having locked the car (doors and windows), battery voltage and internal temperature (also on the first page).
- SEARCH: indicates where the car is located, useful if you are in a city you do not know and you have moved away a lot. It also shows you: MG nearby, restaurants, banks, petrol, etc.
- Messages: useful for "Abnormal alarm", it warned me when it did not read the tyre pressure sensors.
- But the essential thing is the first screen (MG), where I read the available autonomy, "ventilation" to heat the car in the morning in case of ice (max 10 minutes before, then it turns off) or to cool the car in the sun in the height of summer.
Finally, for me, the most useful: the "fuel tank" in percentage; so I can always calculate precisely the top-up (petrol) to do to always have a full tank available.
Tank capacity liters 36 / 100 x (100 - 60 example, percentage indicated) x cost of gasoline = how much to insert for a full tank = 0.36 x 40 x €1.75 (cost per liter) = €25.2 = I can add €25 of gasoline / indicative price).