Have you tried
ABRP. Don't know where you holiday but likely you return via Cambridge or Peterborough both of which have rapid choices close to your likely route.
The programmers of ABRP must be missing a trick because I've yet to see them suggest a scenario where dwelling on a charger to nearly full is the most efficient option (low range EVs aside).
There is a danger of entering a vicious circle where everyone ends up sitting on rapid chargers for a long time to achieve high SoC because they are afraid they may have a long wait to get on another charger further down the route, and the reason they might have a long wait is because someone else is doing the same.
If we could break out of this and everyone vacated rapid chargers when then got to 80% or 45 mins (whichever comes first) unless of course nobody is queueing, the total wait time in the system would reduce.