Did you get this looked at? Happening to mine and I’d like to know if it’s a warranty repair.
Hi, I raised the issue with an MG dealer who tried to tell me in their "opinion" it was not a warranty issue.
I went out of town to an established MG dealer who asked to examine the windscreen and they took their own photos.
MG acknowledged the issue during which time I retained my car,
The windscreen was replaced
under warranty albeit the dealer had to call in a windscreen agency to fit it.
That dealer then had to reset the cars sensors, I was given a loan car whilst waiting for the job to be completed.
I travelled backwards and forwards i.e. to the examination for photos, then for the replacement and work on the sensors to be completed before returning to collect my car.
It was not a quick process but I could not fault the dealer nor MG albeit there were a lot of hoops to jump through to get the job done.
Sorry for the long answer to a simple question ... the answer is... yes it was covered under the warranty.
Good luck with your journey.