There are supposed to be letters going out to all owners about the update, I haven't heard anyone receive one, so I don't think it can be available yet.I've asked my dealer if the LKA update is available yet - I await a reply.
Its short for the Service Now systemSNOW = Sound Non-violent Opponents of War?
SNOW = Special Needs Opportunities Windows?
SNOW = Super Nerds Own the World?
SNOW = ???
Did yours get done Rolfe?If it isn't, and mine isn't done today, then that will be my chance to make the acquaintance of Central Garage, Galashiels, and gauge whether I wish to favour them with my custom from now on.
Safe journey. Looks good over on the west. Daughter’s on Harris or further south by now. Stunning pictures she’s sending.They still have the car. Nothing appears to be going wrong, it's just that they had the R33 update, the undertray and the charging port lights to deal with, and they might actually do the new LKA update while they're at it. Current plan is I get it back lunchtime tomorrow. (And head north with my camping gear.)
Safe journey. Looks good over on the west. Daughter’s on Harris or further south by now. Stunning pictures she’s sending.
Has to be carried across the smallest stream ?Wow! (As long as she's not hydrophobic...)
As many have said, it's an good/excellent car, but limited software updates & MG UK / Dealers let it down. That's a great shame and it needs to change!I'm sitting here in the dealership hoping that THIS time they will install R33, having just had a damn good vent about the unfriendly, unhelpful and downright obstructive attitude of some of their staff. I told them that I really really love my car, and if they've got a basically satisfied customer wound up the way they've got me wound up, pity help customers who actually have a serious complaint.
Please ignore unfriendly replies like that. While most people are happy with their cars, even the happy bunnies have the occasional gripe, and it's undeniable that some people have had significant problems and there are some absolute lemons about. Whether this is more common with MGs than with other brands I don't know.
I hope we're about supporting people who are experiencing problems and helping them find solutions, not accusing new members of being trolls after one post.
This applies to dealers of other brands as well. I was running Toyotas for more than 30 years. The last time I wanted my noisy AC repaired but I was told it was 'old age' (car was 10 years old). I knew from a forum that is was caused by a loose connection. But the mechanic denied that it could be the cause. So I sent the pictures from the forum to the manager of the dealership. One call later and they fixed it.There are a lot of issues that people on the forum seem to know a hell of a lot more about than most dealers.