MG4 Software Update Thread

It will change. When people decide at swap time to go to another manufacturer.
While an MG4 is still one of the cheapest EVs of its size and performance on the market, it will continue to sell.

The lack of OTA updates is... annoying. It's not a deal-breaker though as long as updates are available somehow. Preferably without visits to a dealer.
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I see a paradox here. When we ask why they won't give phase 1 cars OPD or other software enhancements, the answer is that they want to maintain the differential and they want people to buy new cars, rather than making the ones they have better so they stick with them. I feel this is illogical.

Phase 1 cars are no longer being made, so there's nothing in it for MG to "maintain the differential" with phase 2 cars. But more importantly, when people come to consider buying a new car, brand loyalty is quite an uncommon phenomenon these days. What on earth makes MG think they're on the receiving end of it? If owners decide to change, there's every likelihood they'll go for another manufacturer. In particular, if an owner feels they haven't been treated well by MG, they're far more likely to go to another manufacturer.

Imagine if MG had a business model that said, if you have an early model then we'll sell you the upgrades if you want them. OPD for how much? Once the bug-fix stage of the infotainment upgrades is passed (arguably R33 and R59 are how the cars should be) they could charge for better upgrades to that. They'd make money, and owners would be happy because they could have the upgrades they want. A happy owner is more likely to stick with the brand.

But as it is now, with the attitude that your car stays on the software it was handed over to you with, and you have to make a fuss and complain like stink to get any upgrades, and that certain enhancements will never be allowed for your car, we can see the result with discontented owners contemplating a different make for their next car. Prices are getting more reasonable across the board and MG isn't quite the standout it was 18 months ago.
While an MG4 is still one of the cheapest TVs of its size and performance on the market, it will continue to sell.

The lack of OTA updates is... annoying. It's not a deal-breaker though as long as updates are available somehow. Preferably without visits to a dealer.
It isn't OTA, I couldn't care leas whether the car updates wirelessly, it is the complete inability to enable dealers to get the cars reliably on the latest updates when people visit. There's bricked cars, failed attempts to talk to the Chinese servers, updates that say they are done but are still trying to update in the background, hidden patches and untested combinations. It is a mess.
I see a paradox here. When we ask why they won't give phase 1 cars OPD or other software enhancements, the answer is that they want to maintain the differential and they want people to buy new cars, rather than making the ones they have better so they stick with them. I feel this is illogical.

Phase 1 cars are no longer being made, so there's nothing in it for MG to "maintain the differential" with phase 2 cars. But more importantly, when people come to consider buying a new car, brand loyalty is quite an uncommon phenomenon these days. What on earth makes MG think they're on the receiving end of it? If owners decide to change, there's every likelihood they'll go for another manufacturer. In particular, if an owner feels they haven't been treated well by MG, they're far more likely to go to another manufacturer.

Imagine if MG had a business model that said, if you have an early model then we'll sell you the upgrades if you want them. OPD for how much? Once the bug-fix stage of the infotainment upgrades is passed (arguably R33 and R59 are how the cars should be) they could charge for better upgrades to that. They'd make money, and owners would be happy because they could have the upgrades they want. A happy owner is more likely to stick with the brand.

But as it is now, with the attitude that your car stays on the software it was handed over to you with, and you have to make a fuss and complain like stink to get any upgrades, and that certain enhancements will never be allowed for your car, we can see the result with discontented owners contemplating a different make for their next car. Prices are getting more reasonable across the board and MG isn't quite the standout it was 18 months ago.
Couldn't have said it better myself!

I think the frustration is exacerbated by the fact that what many people want is technically possible but MG have decided not to engage and enable for customers without jumping up and down like a child! That's different to a technical limitation.

That makes it harder for me as a customer to swallow - the brand I've invested in for my motoring doesn't value me (any customer I mean) enough to return that investment. Other brands do.

As Rolfe says, the usp for MG was its value with no real rivals. In the 18 months I've had my car, there's now a much larger choice available. If MG don't position their after sales care in line with many of its rivals, I won't be the only one looking to those rivals for my next motor.
I see a paradox here. When we ask why they won't give phase 1 cars OPD or other software enhancements, the answer is that they want to maintain the differential and they want people to buy new cars, rather than making the ones they have better so they stick with them. I feel this is illogical.

Phase 1 cars are no longer being made, so there's nothing in it for MG to "maintain the differential" with phase 2 cars. But more importantly, when people come to consider buying a new car, brand loyalty is quite an uncommon phenomenon these days. What on earth makes MG think they're on the receiving end of it? If owners decide to change, there's every likelihood they'll go for another manufacturer. In particular, if an owner feels they haven't been treated well by MG, they're far more likely to go to another manufacturer.

Imagine if MG had a business model that said, if you have an early model then we'll sell you the upgrades if you want them. OPD for how much? Once the bug-fix stage of the infotainment upgrades is passed (arguably R33 and R59 are how the cars should be) they could charge for better upgrades to that. They'd make money, and owners would be happy because they could have the upgrades they want. A happy owner is more likely to stick with the brand.

But as it is now, with the attitude that your car stays on the software it was handed over to you with, and you have to make a fuss and complain like stink to get any upgrades, and that certain enhancements will never be allowed for your car, we can see the result with discontented owners contemplating a different make for their next car. Prices are getting more reasonable across the board and MG isn't quite the standout it was 18 months ago.
A lot of new features require new hardware, I understood (possibly wrongly) that OPD involves some hardware changes.

That doesn't invalidate your point, but it complicates the logistics for MG and I can see why they simply dangle the carrot of an upgrade to a new car every few years.

Two years on from launch simply having major bugs fixed would be a huge step forward. New features I am less bothered about, my expectations are low.
A lot of new features require new hardware, I understood (possibly wrongly) that OPD involves some hardware changes.

That doesn't invalidate your point, but it complicates the logistics for MG and I can see why they simply dangle the carrot of an upgrade to a new car every few years.

Two years on from launch simply having major bugs fixed would be a huge step forward. New features I am less bothered about, my expectations are low.
And it's that last paragraph that's my biggest gripe.
The thing that really bugs me is the knee-jerk default to "it's meant to be like that" which we see from both dealers and MG itself. I had it in spades with my dealer as regards the undertray, with repeated questioning of why I wanted it to be flat, what harm was it doing? Then, was there any acknowledgement that I was right (never mind an apology) when the fix turned up? At least they told me the fix existed and applied it, so there's that.

Even Miles, friendly chap that he is, defaulted to dealer-type on the matter of the missing external temperature readout in the SE on versions R16 and R21. Simply thinking about it for a minute, it's absolutely ridiculous that in 2023 a car manufacturer would deliberately decide not to put an external temperature readout in cars that cost over £25,000. (Or even more implausibly, as was claimed, to remove it in a software update because they hadn't meant to provide it!) How hard is it to say, "that seems to be a bug, let's hope it's fixed in the next software release"? But no, close ranks and tell SE owners that their car is such a cheap model it doesn't have a feature that's been standard in even the most poky runabout for decades.

The only thing I'm still bitching about is the SE bug that prevents the automatic central locking at 10 mph from being disabled. It freaks me out every time, all the more so since I read of a recent incident where that feature (in a Land Rover that caught fire) nearly caused the deaths of two small children - only a passer-by having golf clubs in his boot to break the car's window saved them. All I get is "it's a safety feature". Sure, it's a safety feature you might want to enable if you live in Soweto or Brixton or somewhere. It can be disabled in the Trophy, as in every other car I heard of, but the SE has this bug. For crying out loud, admit it's a bug. Nothing will get fixed if everyone just repeats the mantra that "it's meant to be like that".
If OPD isn't possible on the phase 1 cars due to hardware limitations, then they should just say so. I'm not entirely convinced, and nobody has made a definite announcement one way or the other.
I don't believe the hardware excuse. The car can stop on its own just fine with ACC

I believe on the ZS something similar happened and they eventually offered OPD for older versions for a price. Same will probably happen here but wouldn't be surprised if it is too late for most, who will have gotten rid of their car due to all these stupid policies
I don't believe the hardware excuse. The car can stop on its own just fine with ACC

I believe on the ZS something similar happened and they eventually offered OPD for older versions for a price. Same will probably happen here but wouldn't be surprised if it is too late for most, who will have gotten rid of their car due to all these stupid policies
I'd settle with them fixing lane keeping, phantom braking and the learner driver ACC system. All I raised at the service and was told that is just how they work.

As much as bluetooth issues, random android auto problems and the like are annoying, they are at least not dangerous. That is what I find unforgivable.

They even lied to Which? claiming they'd had no reports from owners of such problems. Only when Which? presented them with evidence to say that wasn't true did they concede and claim updates were coming. Which then brings us back to no OTA and dealers who are reluctant to update modules.

And yet the car is an absolute hoot to drive and I love that part of it. But it's not enough for me when I feel the other issues are potentially very serious.
I'd settle with them fixing lane keeping, phantom braking and the learner driver ACC system. All I raised at the service and was told that is just how they work.

As much as bluetooth issues, random android auto problems and the like are annoying, they are at least not dangerous. That is what I find unforgivable.

They even lied to Which? claiming they'd had no reports from owners of such problems. Only when Which? presented them with evidence to say that wasn't true did they concede and claim updates were coming. Which then brings us back to no OTA and dealers who are reluctant to update modules.

And yet the car is an absolute hoot to drive and I love that part of it. But it's not enough for me when I feel the other issues are potentially very serious.
I completely agree with this. The small but annoying issues are the sort of items that might occur with any application but the serious health and safety items you mention (all of which I am struggling with) are horrendous and it is shocking that MG/SAIC don't take more responsibility.
I see a paradox here. When we ask why they won't give phase 1 cars OPD or other software enhancements, the answer is that they want to maintain the differential and they want people to buy new cars, rather than making the ones they have better so they stick with them. I feel this is illogical.

Phase 1 cars are no longer being made, so there's nothing in it for MG to "maintain the differential" with phase 2 cars. But more importantly, when people come to consider buying a new car, brand loyalty is quite an uncommon phenomenon these days. What on earth makes MG think they're on the receiving end of it? If owners decide to change, there's every likelihood they'll go for another manufacturer. In particular, if an owner feels they haven't been treated well by MG, they're far more likely to go to another manufacturer.

Imagine if MG had a business model that said, if you have an early model then we'll sell you the upgrades if you want them. OPD for how much? Once the bug-fix stage of the infotainment upgrades is passed (arguably R33 and R59 are how the cars should be) they could charge for better upgrades to that. They'd make money, and owners would be happy because they could have the upgrades they want. A happy owner is more likely to stick with the brand.

But as it is now, with the attitude that your car stays on the software it was handed over to you with, and you have to make a fuss and complain like stink to get any upgrades, and that certain enhancements will never be allowed for your car, we can see the result with discontented owners contemplating a different make for their next car. Prices are getting more reasonable across the board and MG isn't quite the standout it was 18 months ago.
Apparently there is already an R63 update in the pipeline for the Trophy which hasn't been released yet as R59 still has issues. Maybe I did the right thing not getting mine updated , maybe I'll wait until R105 is issued , they may actually have it sorted by then ? ?
Apparently there is already an R63 update in the pipeline for the Trophy which hasn't been released yet as R59 still has issues. Maybe I did the right thing not getting mine updated , maybe I'll wait until R105 is issued , they may actually have it sorted by then ? ?
What issues are you having with R59? Siasek YouTube channel review suggested a shortcut key bug. Bear in mind all modules would need to have been updated also to provide hardware changes.
Where did you hear about an R63 version?
We all know about the ridiculous and customer antagonising software no-update situation, but if they at least offered say a paid deal with dealers to provide enhancements for a small fee to improve older cars that would be a start. I’m sure competition will force changes and improvements, but so unnecessary and short sighted to let the brand down which has an award winning car. It took ages for the mobile App to improve, I guess we just have to be quite patient.
What issues are you having with R59? Siasek YouTube channel review suggested a shortcut key bug. Bear in mind all modules would need to have been updated also to provide hardware changes.
Where did you hear about an R63 version?
We all know about the ridiculous and customer antagonising software no-update situation, but if they at least offered say a paid deal with dealers to provide enhancements for a small fee to improve older cars that would be a start. I’m sure competition will force changes and improvements, but so unnecessary and short sighted to let the brand down which has an award winning car. It took ages for the mobile App to improve, I guess we just have to be quite patient.
Firstly I don't have R59 , I am on R33. I have seen posts on Facebook referring to R59 which apparently still has Bluetooth connection issues , dab radio issues , as well as the wifi hotspot issues that many people have reported. It is due to some of these issues that some users have been told by their dealers that a new version (R63) is imminent to address these issues. It remains to be seen wether or not it will fix the problems . I hope it does , then maybe I can finally get mine updated. Although I will miss the far better looking original HVAC screen.?
Issues I am aware of on R59:
  • Still some bluetooth issues.
  • CarPlay problems with fails to connect if connected too soon, disconnects, forgets car is RHD, plus A/C dropdown no longer works from CarPlay screen.
  • Some people still report radio problems.
  • Wifi hotspot has DNS bug, stopping some from using it.
  • Reports that some of the new shortcuts on the right menu pull down don't work.

R63 might fix some, I doubt all.

There's also minor feature stuff like the infotainment screen can't change the lighting according to levels mentioned by the light sensor, which many other cars do have.

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