Nice to hear from you!
I imagine that being in China you would have very easy access to spare parts like Brake Pads for X Power?
Would you be interested in supplying parts to the UK?
I would be very interested to know how much you are charged for parts for over there?
It could become a nice sideline for you if....
A. You are interested and
B. There is a viable saving to us (including fees and postage) that makes it worthwhile.
Just thinking out loud!
Just an example, X Power brake pads are
£275 GBP (¥2576)
That is very expensive!
I could buy Audi RS3 (2023) front pads made by Brembo for just £58! (¥532)
Be nice to hear what you think!
我想在中国您会很容易获得 X Power 刹车片等备件?
B. 对我们来说,节省成本(包括费用和邮费)是值得的。
举个例子,X Power 刹车片是
275 英镑(2576 日元)
我只需 58 英镑就能购买 Brembo 制造的奥迪 RS3 (2023) 前垫! (532日元)
Nǐ hǎo@Chikyu
hěn gāoxìng tīng dào nǐ de xiāoxī!
Wǒ xiǎng zài zhōngguó nín huì hěn róngyì huòdé X Power shāchē piàn děng bèijiàn?
Nín yǒu xìngqù xiàng yīngguó gōngyìng língjiàn ma?
Wǒ hěn xiǎng zhīdào nǐmen nàlǐ de língjiàn fèiyòng shì duōshǎo?
Tā kěnéng huì chéngwéi nǐ de yīgè bùcuò de fùyè, rúguǒ......
Dá: Nǐ yǒu xìngqù,
B. Duì wǒmen lái shuō, jiéshěng chéngběn (bāokuò fèiyòng hé yóufèi) shì zhídé de.
Zhǐshì dàshēng sīkǎo!
Jǔ gè lìzi,X Power shāchē piàn shì
275 yīngbàng (2576 rì yuán)
nà shì fēicháng ángguì de!
Wǒ zhǐ xū 58 yīngbàng jiù néng gòumǎi Brembo zhìzào de àodí RS3 (2023) qián diàn! (532 Rì yuán)
hěn gāoxìng tīng dào nín de xiǎngfǎ!