Dear Chris
Thank you for your further correspondence, and I am sorry to learn that you remain disappointed following my previous response.
I do like to reply in a very open and chatty style regarding these matters, and I believe that the point has been missed regarding your case.
This is a characteristic of this model. Regardless of how you may feel, this is a fact.
We don’t ignore customers, especially when this is one of our flagship cars, and we have and continue to try various items that may improve your driver experience. We do this because we do listen to our customers, however, in doing so, I am attempting to set your expectations, that we may never be in a position to remove this vibration completely.
Australia have no affiliation with ourselves, they are a completely different distributor. This isn’t an item for who shout loudest etc. I can only advise that whatever they are suggesting, is not a full and complete factory recommendation. Like ourselves, they will be attempting things to improve driver experience.
As advised, if the damper has been replaced, this is our current recommendation, and by all means, if this has not been fitted, you can contact your dealership to request this, but we need to make it clear that this isn’t a repair, as there is no fault present.
I trust that this reply will fully clarify our position regarding this matter.
I replied...
For the love of God Gary!
You say this is a characteristic of this model?
But it isn't a characteristic of the later built cars.
I have driven my friends X Power and it simply does not vibrate, and drives exactly as I would expect.
I.E. No Vibrations.
There are also lots of Powers that do not display the vibration fault.
These are later build cars.
Explain that to me please.
Just explain that.
Yours frustratingly.
Chris Searle