MG4 X Power Vibe/Hum 65 to 75mph

Dear Chris

Thank you for your further correspondence, and I am sorry to learn that you remain disappointed following my previous response.

I do like to reply in a very open and chatty style regarding these matters, and I believe that the point has been missed regarding your case.

This is a characteristic of this model. Regardless of how you may feel, this is a fact.

We don’t ignore customers, especially when this is one of our flagship cars, and we have and continue to try various items that may improve your driver experience. We do this because we do listen to our customers, however, in doing so, I am attempting to set your expectations, that we may never be in a position to remove this vibration completely.

Australia have no affiliation with ourselves, they are a completely different distributor. This isn’t an item for who shout loudest etc. I can only advise that whatever they are suggesting, is not a full and complete factory recommendation. Like ourselves, they will be attempting things to improve driver experience.

As advised, if the damper has been replaced, this is our current recommendation, and by all means, if this has not been fitted, you can contact your dealership to request this, but we need to make it clear that this isn’t a repair, as there is no fault present.

I trust that this reply will fully clarify our position regarding this matter.

I replied...

For the love of God Gary!

You say this is a characteristic of this model?

But it isn't a characteristic of the later built cars.

I have driven my friends X Power and it simply does not vibrate, and drives exactly as I would expect.

I.E. No Vibrations.

There are also lots of Powers that do not display the vibration fault.

These are later build cars.

Explain that to me please.

Just explain that.

Yours frustratingly.

Chris Searle
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Oh my lord, I've just read through this entire thread, and I see you guys have been suffering this problem for quite some time, I can't wait till tomorrow to see if I experience this for myself.

Even if the one you're looking at tommorow is a bad un. If you really want one don't give up. Coz as said, there are definitely good ones out there.
That's the main Crux, of this thread. Apart from MG UK being absolutely, adamant there is no fault. Is we know, that the vibe
DOES. NOT. affect. ALL. X. Powers. 🙂👍
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I haven't read through the whole thread, so this may be a stupid question... Is it possible the vibe is still present, but only coming through at a higher speed on the "good ones", that is at higher than your national speed limit/s?

Our limit is basically 110kph down here (apart from a few sections of the Northern Territory, I believe), so if the problem kicked in at, say, 130kph it would probably never be noticed.
I think the least insulting and best response I've seen from MG UK, that explains their current stance on the situation is an email response to an email from an owner (that the owner then posted on FB).

"Characteristic" is only mentioned 6 times 😁🤣😉

[Source : Facebook "MG4 X-Power Vibration Complaints" Group]

Response by MG UK :-

"Thank you for your further response and I hope that you have been keeping well.

I also thank you for the further detail provided below and for your patience with my response.

Firstly, I would like to express my apologies that your MG4 XPower is displaying the vibration characteristic that MG, our dealership network, and some owners are aware of.

I would like to explain MG UK’s current stance on this report in more depth for you below.
MG UK and other markets have been aware of this characteristic following customer feedback since the vehicle was launched.

Customer feedback, vehicle performance, vehicle reliability and driver enjoyment have and continue to be extremely important to our brand.

Therefore, following these reports, vehicle inspections were conducted not only by MG UK, but by other MG markets across the Globe.

MG UK determined that the vibration being experienced is road feedback being felt through the vehicles steering system above a certain speed (Estimated 55mph+).

This road feedback is due to the additional drive motor and modified suspension/steering geometry on the MG4 XPower, which is subsequently different to the MG4 SE/Trophy models.
(Although I cannot speak for other manufacturers directly, road feedback is not completely unheard of when it comes to high performance vehicles).

A summary of this investigation concluded that the vibration does not pose a safety or mechanical drivability issue, meaning that there is no fault and no repair that is necessary to be conducted for this characteristic.

With that being said, we are aware that some owners have found the vibration to be an annoyance and that it has taken away some enjoyment of driving such a superb vehicle.
Therefore, MG markets fed this back to the factory whom in turn provided a way to help reduce the vibration felt through the steering wheel…this was to fit a steering wheel damper which reduces the feedback from the vehicle to the end user. The fitment of this damper has been proven to reduce vibration; however, its effectiveness may differ from vehicle to vehicle due to vehicle and part production.

This is currently the only solution that can be provided by MG dealerships to help to reduce the vibration characteristic.

Although not directly related and somewhat a sidenote to the above….. on some occasions, this has been a similar chain events when it comes to software updates on any of our models.
For example…a new model is released, customers share what they enjoy and do not enjoy about driving this model (this feedback can reach us through multiple channels; our dealership network, through our customer service team, on social media and so forth) MG spot trends and aim to improve on those things that drivers are not enjoying (where necessary and possible)…again, with the sole focus of driver enjoyment being improved.

You have specifically mentioned the Lane Keep Assist feature below which I’m aware has been a talking point with MG4 owners.

Following customer reports of this, MG have released software updates to improve how this feature operates (reducing the sensitivity) and continue to research further improvements for driver enjoyment.

There is no fault with the LKA feature, but MG saw room for improvement based on customer reports and provided this.

Following on from the damper fitment and to address one of the main concerns detailed in your email…

We are aware that an internal SAIC/MG bulletin from April has been shared with the public and has caused a mass amount of confusion and frustration amongst owners on social media.
I understand why owners, including yourself, would find the information on this bulletin misleading and somewhat contradictory to information that has been received from ourselves at MG UK regarding the vibration.

However, I would like to kindly reassure you that section 2 of this bulletin which relates to suspension component replacement does not result in a recognised reduced level of vibration felt through the vehicles steering wheel.

It is for this reason that that we have not released this information to our dealership network, and we are not exploring this as an option to reduce or remove the characteristic.

There have naturally been other sub-factors that have led us to this decision such as…customer disappointment following part fitment (as there is no recognised reduction) & time spent by our dealerships replacing parts that we know will have no positive impact.

I’d like to again provide some reassurance to you that MG UK and other markets will continue to echo customers concerns to the factory so that future developments and improvements can/may be considered for this characteristic."
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I think the least insulting and best response I've seen from MG UK, that explains their current stance on the situation is an email response to an email from an owner (that the owner then posted on FB).

"Characteristic" is only mentioned 6 times 😁🤣😉

[Source : Facebook "MG4 X-Power Vibration Complaints" Group]

Response by MG UK :-

"Thank you for your further response and I hope that you have been keeping well.

I also thank you for the further detail provided below and for your patience with my response.

Firstly, I would like to express my apologies that your MG4 XPower is displaying the vibration characteristic that MG, our dealership network, and some owners are aware of.

I would like to explain MG UK’s current stance on this report in more depth for you below.
MG UK and other markets have been aware of this characteristic following customer feedback since the vehicle was launched.

Customer feedback, vehicle performance, vehicle reliability and driver enjoyment have and continue to be extremely important to our brand.

Therefore, following these reports, vehicle inspections were conducted not only by MG UK, but by other MG markets across the Globe.

MG UK determined that the vibration being experienced is road feedback being felt through the vehicles steering system above a certain speed (Estimated 55mph+).

This road feedback is due to the additional drive motor and modified suspension/steering geometry on the MG4 XPower, which is subsequently different to the MG4 SE/Trophy models.
(Although I cannot speak for other manufacturers directly, road feedback is not completely unheard of when it comes to high performance vehicles).

A summary of this investigation concluded that the vibration does not pose a safety or mechanical drivability issue, meaning that there is no fault and no repair that is necessary to be conducted for this characteristic.

With that being said, we are aware that some owners have found the vibration to be an annoyance and that it has taken away some enjoyment of driving such a superb vehicle.
Therefore, MG markets fed this back to the factory whom in turn provided a way to help reduce the vibration felt through the steering wheel…this was to fit a steering wheel damper which reduces the feedback from the vehicle to the end user. The fitment of this damper has been proven to reduce vibration; however, its effectiveness may differ from vehicle to vehicle due to vehicle and part production.

This is currently the only solution that can be provided by MG dealerships to help to reduce the vibration characteristic.

Although not directly related and somewhat a sidenote to the above….. on some occasions, this has been a similar chain events when it comes to software updates on any of our models.
For example…a new model is released, customers share what they enjoy and do not enjoy about driving this model (this feedback can reach us through multiple channels; our dealership network, through our customer service team, on social media and so forth) MG spot trends and aim to improve on those things that drivers are not enjoying (where necessary and possible)…again, with the sole focus of driver enjoyment being improved.

You have specifically mentioned the Lane Keep Assist feature below which I’m aware has been a talking point with MG4 owners.

Following customer reports of this, MG have released software updates to improve how this feature operates (reducing the sensitivity) and continue to research further improvements for driver enjoyment.

There is no fault with the LKA feature, but MG saw room for improvement based on customer reports and provided this.

Following on from the damper fitment and to address one of the main concerns detailed in your email…

We are aware that an internal SAIC/MG bulletin from April has been shared with the public and has caused a mass amount of confusion and frustration amongst owners on social media.
I understand why owners, including yourself, would find the information on this bulletin misleading and somewhat contradictory to information that has been received from ourselves at MG UK regarding the vibration.

However, I would like to kindly reassure you that section 2 of this bulletin which relates to suspension component replacement does not result in a recognised reduced level of vibration felt through the vehicles steering wheel.

It is for this reason that that we have not released this information to our dealership network, and we are not exploring this as an option to reduce or remove the characteristic.

There have naturally been other sub-factors that have led us to this decision such as…customer disappointment following part fitment (as there is no recognised reduction) & time spent by our dealerships replacing parts that we know will have no positive impact.

I’d like to again provide some reassurance to you that MG UK and other markets will continue to echo customers concerns to the factory so that future developments and improvements can/may be considered for this characteristic."

What an absolute load of COBBLERS!
It's just the same old Bullshit spiel they keep churning out. It's obvious now they are not going to admit any fault exists or offer any fix that works. So looking like a Court case, looms. Good luck. 🙂👍
Still Angry.

They think we are clueless.
They think we've never driven high performance vehicles or any vehicles for that matter.

Personally, I have been driving since 1985, HGV Class 1 since 1991, held a race licence, graduated from the Jim Russell Race Academy (RIP Jim) done thousands of laps on many circuits here and abroad.

100s of thousands of miles in road vehicles.

Come top at BMW's Masters of Performance, Track and Skills Day.
(Brands Hatch)

Ive also been privileged enough to have owned lots of High Performance vehicles over the years, and yet some faceless Twonk is telling me I can't tell the difference between normal surface road feel and a vibration, not unlike that of an out of balance wheel?

My piss would be boiling right now apart from it having already evaporated some months ago.

It's in the hands of the lawyers now, so I'll just have to wait and see.
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He's replied again already....

Dear Chris

I am sorry that you disagree, however, this is a characteristic of the model.

There has been no change made to the later model cars.

I realise that the car is not meeting with your expectations, and it is clear that you are frustrated, however, I am not sure why you feel I would deliberately mislead you.

This is one of our flagship cars and we would not deliberately upset customers if there was a solution.

Not even added his name this time!

I will not be responding further.

I simply will not keep banging my head against a 'THICK' wall.

(Yes, I know its 'Brick' Mr Pedant)
I'd like to know who had this suspension work done and it didn't fix the issue? Nobody has come forward and agreed that MG took their car away, had the parts changed and it didn't fix the issue.

Only MG UK has said this
^^^^^ This. So when they claim this isn't effective on British roads (which they have done previously), exactly how do they know this?

I'm very much in the 'the real fix was too expensive so we made up a b**tsh*t story to avoid having to roll this out to all those upset customers' camp
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So ,officially, no inherent fault with the vibes, LKA, undertray warping, and gearbox oil levels and leakage? to name a few. One of these can be attributed to design and manufacture , one to rushed production and a desire for 5 stars , which leaves ,if the design and testing were correct , Quality Control both of parts and fitting techniques both of which go back to the factory and their subsequent worldwide distribution. Two have been acknowledged and have Heath Robinson bodges rolled out to complainants, the other , still pending. If there has been no changes to designed parts ( but possibly a different supplier ) unless inhouse, with a more vigorous QC regime , that could explain why later models are unaffected . It could come down to something simple like the quality of some rubber bushes , but where the stripdown costs and refitting and bad publicity are too much to swallow but are more easily resolved by insulting and trying to pull the wool over the eyes of what they see as their gullible cliental. :mad:
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