Quite a long post.
From October LAST year!
Good Morning Ryan
I hope you are well.
I am sure you remember that last month I brought to your attention that my vehicle displayed a light vibration between 62-74 mph.
I also spoke to a chap in your service department about it.
I think I am right in saying that I was one of the first people to own an X Power in the UK so of course, the issue was not well known about.
I now know that MG is looking at the issue and now taking the matter seriously.
It would seem that every X Power subsequently delivered, here and abroad has the issue.
MGAustralia, has paused deliveries to customers, on the back of the UK owners complaining to MGUK.
MGUK have told us to refer the matter back to our supplying dealer which I am doing now.
I fully expect to be contacted at some time in the future, asking me to book the car in for a fix.
Nobody knows what this will be yet, but MG are suggesting a steering damper will be the way forward.
If you are unaware of this, please can I point you to this articles.
MG has halted deliveries of its MG4 XPower as the brand races to address a steering issue with the sporty electric hatch. The issue has to do with the MG4 XPower's current steering damper which, according to the brand, needs to be changed following customer feedback regarding the feel of the car...
Please be kind enough to respond to this email.
Kind Regards
Chris S.
He never responded.
So I wrote to MG who did respond.
Dear Mr S.
Thank you for contacting MG Motor UK Ltd.
I do believe, that there is some confusion regarding processes that are and need to be followed.
Firstly, some customers are reporting this as an annoyance. Therefore, any action that we take is being looked at case by case.
As far as I am aware some customers are reporting vibration at certain speeds, but it is not having detrimental effect on the car or causing breakdown. If there is anything that your local dealer can do, in conjunction with MG Motor UK Ltd. then I am sure that will take that action.
To be clear, Australia are their own distributor and we have no affiliation other than the badge and have no influence on any decision that they make. All that I can say is that any repair they are carrying out will not be an official opinion or process from the factory.
As with all things, when new models are launched, things happen that don’t show up in testing, but show up when with drivers in real life conditions.
If a fault or problem is concerned, then engineers will test this, and provide a solution, and I may say, that because of our unique set up in the UK, usually much quicker than most OEM. I have worked with several brands and may take years to provide solutions to these things.
At the moment, everything is simply being looked at case by case and thank you for your continued patience.
Your Sincerely
Gary Smart.
Fobbed off obviously ?
Wrote to them again with all the findings I had on the issue so far.....
Good Morning MGUK
Now I know that even before I finish this email, you will refer me to my supplying dealer, so I will not go to great lengths to explain my issue.
This is purely so you can add me to your list of disgruntled X Power owners.
I have a vibration through the car/steering wheel at anything between 60-75 mph.
It is now very well documented around the world.
MG Australia seem to be taking the lead on this issue and are developing a fix.
They have also stopped delivery of X Power to customers until the cars are fixed.
When will we hear something officially from MGUK regarding this matter?
Yours sincerely
Chris S
MG4 X Power Vibe/Hum 65 to 75mph
MG 4 XPower deliveries paused as key tweak is rolled out
Hi Chris
Thank you for this, and I will certainly forward to our technical team for reference.
However, we wouldn’t be able to recommend or confirm this, as its not an official process etc.
Gary Smart
Customer Service
Fobbed off X2
Now I've been very patient, largely because I have a minimal issue but also because I knew full well that they would not take any notice of me on my lonesome, so even though it's been a year I do see some light at the end of the tunnel.
Truth be told (and it is) I thought about rejecting the car the first week I had it.
I had a few days driving holiday straight off the forecourt as I've done with all my new cars, so I can get to know it intensely.
I knew it wasn't right within 5 minutes of driving off because I almost immediately got on the A48.
I put it down to a tyre being out of balance and didn't worry about it too much.
I wasn't best pleased though, because this had never happened to me on any other new car I'd purchased.
I was in the Honeymoon period and I was off to spend a few nights with my new bride and was prepared to forgive her anything.
The rest is well documented on here so I will not got over it all again, but my suspicions were initially the front driveshaft or shafts for obvious reasons.
(But seems now to be a rear driveshaft)
I also knew that a damn site more folk were going to have to complain for me to see any sort of resolution.
That tipping point seems to be well and truly surpassed now and I see it being just a matter of time before I get a letter asking me to attend the dealership for my fix.
We shall see.
I mean come on MG, ENOUGH ALREADY!
If not, I see a Mass Action Claim in my future.