This is my 4th message in 12 months to MGCS........
Good Morning Gary
I hope this email finds you well.
I was hoping that my X Power would have been vibration free by now?
You will of course, now be well aware of the issue with these cars, as does MG with at least two unsuccessful "fixes" to date.
Well to be fair, the steering dampener was developed to mask the vibrations and not actually cure them, whilst the suspension mount repositioning seems to be ineffective sadly.
Both attempts to fix the problem by MG is a clear indication that there is a problem that requires remedying.
I thought it a bit distasteful that MG would suggest that only the most vocal of customers complaining about the vibrations should be addressed, because from my viewpoint, as a customer that brought this to my dealers attention last October, (2023) I have been patiently waiting for a solution.
I first messaged you nearly twelve months ago, but still, my car vibrates between 65 and 75mph.
I have been uber patient whilst waiting for something to be done.
Granted MG have tried, but ultimately failed.
Also please don't trot out the seemingly new line that MG are trying to sell customers with the complaint, in that,
"All performance orientated vehicles vibrate"
What utter tosh.
I come from a long line of ICE performance cars, and none of them had an annoying vibration at motorway speeds.
None of them.
Just to be clear....none.
I am still truly hopeful that a fix of some sort will eventually give me the vibration free car that should have been sold to me in the first instance.
Yours Unbelievably Patiently
Chris Searle
(aka Bricktop X PWR MGEV's)