We all at some time or another have complain about the lack of EV chargers in the UK and how we need numerous App's and payment methods to even stand a small chance of receiving a charge.
Even then we keep our fingers tightly crossed with regards to the reliability and easy to use as the super chargers have.
Today, at the simple flick of a switch nearly ALL units across the UK & Europe are suddenly open access to all EV's and they are on free vend to boot.
It really is that easy, can you believe it folks !.
IF Tesla completely opened up their units, then the other providers would need to ship up, or ship out.
Proof of concept of full access to all EV's has been clearly displayed today, for the people who said it was never technically possible to achieve.
It has taken 10 years and was short and sweet, but thank you Tesla from all other EV owners
