As it’s not that cold at the moment any idea what the range was in the weeks we had minus numbers?
It’s a bit of an obsession of mine, as some members will know ( sad I know ) to keep an eye what is happening, regarding stats on my car after each charge ( it’s long story ).
But I can offer you some idea on how my car has behaved over the recent cold weather snap.
At least you will have a bit of a yard stick comparison to go by then for your car ?.
You could ask the same question to 6 different owners and get 6 different answers because of many factors at work here.
If you trying to get a back to back comparison, then I will outline how my info is arrived at.
Some facts first, we have a ZS EV LR and collected it mid March 2022.
It has now covered 8,500 miles.
The car is charged exclusively from our home 7Kw wall box, no D/C rapid chargers have ever been used.
I have my SOC charging level set to 80% I have only charged once to 90% and 100% on one other occasion.
Charging to 80% is my “Go To” charging level.
Charging to 80% has returned a constant predicted range of between 211 - 212 miles from day one, until the temperatures started drop substantially.
Before you panic ? about your range, you have to understand how these figures have arrived at FIRST before you compare them !.
This is important, before you intend to carry out your next charging session, carry out these actions.
Ensure you have turn OFF all 12 volt electrical items, especially check the HVAC is turned completely OFF - This is vitally important !.
Now set your charging percentage to 80%.
Reset BOTH of your trip counter back to zero.
Place the car on charge and the following morning, either open the App and refresh it doing an health status check first.
Now, what is your predicted range ?.
I bet it is close to the figures above ?.
If the App is playing up, then when you boot up the car, you should be seeing close to the figures I have quoted above !.
There WILL be a difference in this predicted range IF the ambient temperature is low and the car is not garaged of course.
Over the last few weeks, it has been really cold in Wales.
For over a week the temperature was hoovering around -3 to -6 degrees.
The reported range under these identical set up conditions reproduced above, was indicating at a predicted range of as low as 199 miles at one point.
So, we see a loss of our predicted range of 12 miles from the GOM - Why ?.
Ambient temperature is the only factor that has changed, unless you are pointing the finger of battery degradation of course !.
I will continue to monitor this after each and every charge and paying close attention to the predicted range that SHOULD increase back up to close on 211 miles as the weather improves.
Why do I bother doing this you may ask !.
Well because I had the same question(s) as you when we owned our original ZS EV which returned some interesting results, let’s just say !.
You need a solid base line figure to base you facts and findings on.
I hope this of some help ?.