T.L.D.R. Warning.
So just clicked over 10000 miles and the vibes are without doubt getting worse.
1, Wear and tear of vibing parts?
2, Tyre wear?
3, Tyre pressures dropping with the Colder weather.
4, Becoming more attuned and sensitive due to the ongoing rejection?
I accelerated hard through the vibe zone earlier on today and the vibes were like driving over a washboard!
A drumming if you will.
MG really have left me with no other choice but to follow through with the rejection.
Imagine for a moment if I just sit on my hands and do nothing.
Put up with it.
Accept it as a characteristic.
I can see that the accelerated wear of various parts, to do with the drivetrain, suspension, bearings, et al, just over the horizon.
Probably just over the 36month 45000 mile warranty period.
In the mean time, you have to put up with the problem and the parts continue wearing prematurely.
This is bollox.
I have to accept it and put up with it, whilst later X Power owners don't.
Whilst there was hope of a fix, I was happy to just wait my turn.
It would only be a matter of time before a letter inviting me into the dealership to have the vibes cured would drop on my door mat?
But since the letter stating they were no longer going to fix early customer cars?
What MG?
What a kick in the teeth.
Just talking personally, but I could never ever, of seen myself in an MG product just a couple of years ago.
Cheap Chinese tat!
No thanks.
But along came the MG4, and subsequently the X Power and I thought, why not give them a go.
We really had only gone in for a test drive as a bit of a laugh.
I never ever thought I would be parting with my hard earned money at MG.
I was very surprised with just how good the MG4 was.
So much so, that after testing the X Power I paid a deposit for the demonstrator on the spot!
I was looking forward to supporting an old British business (Yes Chinese owned) with initially the sales process, and then later on servicing etc.
It made me feel quite proud that an old British name was doing well and I was going to be part of that ongoing success for MG.
The car has had its problems over my 12 month tenure, with a temperature sensor and rear camera failure that were both eventually fixed under warranty.
And my first dealer experience was something that I hope to never have to suffer, ever again!
I even forgave it the vibration issue initially, 'knowing' that it would eventually be sorted.
So here we are, at the start of the rejection process.
It wasn't a difficult decision to make in the end, because of the utter contempt that MG have displayed to not only myself, but all the other folk who suffer with this legitimate complaint.
To think that someone in MG thought that we would all just accept the explanation that it was a characteristic, then simply move along and get on with it, shows a level of stupidity I find hard to comprehend.
FYI If interested.....
Hopefully a quick fix ? It will be interesting to hear what the updates are ? I'll make sure I get the details ?