MG4 Software Update Thread

First software update yesterday (1300R33)
luxury v1 64kWh. Same HVAC screen from before. Sips updated says the girl from the dealer. All good but 1 issue, the left star button for the regen settings shows the HVAC on the main screen ( it is not supposed to do that). I tried to set another function but it still shows the HVAC screen. Anyone have the same issue? I have to go back to the dealer for some repairs.
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First software update yesterday (1300R33)
luxury v1 64kw. Same hvac screen from before. Sips updated says the girl from the dealer. All good but 1 issue, the left star button for the regen settings shows the hvac on the main screen ( it is not supposed to do that). I tried to set another function but it still shows the hvac screen. Anyone have the same issue? I have to go back to the dealer for some repairs.
This is fixed with later updates. Ask them to also fix the issues with a jerky lka/tja, and AA/AC issues. Most likely you will get R59.That will also give you the drop down menu for disabling LKA.
It sounds like you have had a terrible time of it with your car, which is a great shame and makes your comments completely understandable. I'm not surprised you want to return it.

I will point a few things though - the inability to turn off LKA and AEB etc... by default is a EuroNCAP requirements for all new cars tested from 2022 onwards. It is not MG's decision. Without this, it isn't possible to score the maximum safety score, the theory is that the car doesn't know who will drive it next and so all defaults should always be to have driver assistance systems on. You'll find other new cars first tested by EuroNCAP from 2022 onwards have exactly the same behaviour.

Now, you can turn off these systems for each journey, and I do so every time. Yes it is a pain, yes MG could make it easier and simpler to turn them off (and yes, some competitors make it easier). Yes, if I could select a stored driver profile with a single button, that would make it even easier. But nonetheless, you can turn these systems off and I'd encourage anyone who finds them irritating / annoying to do exactly that as a "pre-flight" check.

Regarding ACC, this is much better once you've had the relevant car module updates. I now use mine regularly and it is pretty good, not quite as good as competitor's systems but certainly good enough to rely on. Prior to getting these updates, I found it completely unusable.

Yes, getting a dealer to apply the right updates can be a pain. I'm lucky, I complained once and they fixed it straight away.

I am aware the LKA is not the fault of MG, however it is thier fault how badly it works. I never turned it off on either of my Hyundai's (LKA or TJA),and only once did I ever have an issue (and not a massive one), in multiple years. I've had quite a few in a year and a half with this car. The TJA on the Hyundai sometimes lost the lines, but it it'd relinquish control if it wasnt sure. the MG quite beligerently tries to put you in another lane/on the kerb or in another vehicle, with confidence. I know which version I prefer, and it still requires too much resistance to override it, as it still jerks quite strongly at times.

My vehicle is back in again this week, as even after last weeks updates (of which they found many that needed done), the remote control HVAC does not work, I've had system issues pop up still (speed limit recognition system error this time), the TJA is still trying to drive out of lane and they broke hotspot DNS also (which I think is a general thing) etc. Its beyond frustrating.

More frustrating on the profile point is that the car DOES have profiles, tied with Ismart, and the option to switch profile, but it doesnt remember important stuff like driving mode last used etc which the Hyundai's did.

Honestly the HARDWARE is mostly fine; however the software and firmware for this platform is awful, and given how long the Mulan was out in Asia, I don't quite understand how they've managed to get it so wrong on so many fundamental levels.

To put it into context this will be the 5th visit for updates this week, trying to get the car working as it should.
Once at my local MG, and 4th (one of which was also with service) at the MG the next town over as I have found them more helpful.

The garage I bought the car from have basically washed thier hands of it because I cannot get to them easily.

I mean the log from the last visit literally says:
"Carried out Phanton brake repair guide procedure, updated FDR.
Charging fault - found multiple HV systems not working correctly due to outdated software. Updated HV components BMS, IMCU and IBS.
Fault with FICM Crashing - carried out update from R46 to R59"

And even then, the car is still generating system errors of random systems, and the remote control AC activation etc has never really worked properly since I got the car.

Just an incredibly poor experience on what was not a cheap car.
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I wasn’t sure which thread to post in, or whether to start an MG4 Phantom Breaking thread.

Following some great advice on this forum, I’ve been fine tuning my ‘Launch Procedure’. Getting a bit quicker at disabling LKA and AEB.

I’m pretty sure this morning I’d followed my usual routine. Then, on a perfectly straight road, with good line markings, travelling at 80kph I had my second “Phantom Braking’ episode in one month of driving. Very Scary indeed. The display turned the lane lines red. I’m not sure if it actually braked or just used very strong regen braking. But it went from 80kph to 60kph almost immediately. After regrouping I re drove the same piece of road 4 time to try and repeat the incident. Nothing.

In my area, Tailgating (especially by Ute drivers) is at pandemic levels. Had there been one behind me, smash repairs or worse for sure. I’ve spent most of the day reading loads of posts about this issue on MG4s and two solutions stood out, and the rest, mmmm less so.
1: The ‘Towing mode’ fix, has anyone tried this and dose it work?
2: The ‘Disconnect the Camera’ fix, Ditto above.
3: Fit front and rear recording cams, so you can at least win the court case!
4: Stamp on the accelerator and hope.
5: Mass owner complaining to the ACCC (Aussie complaints commission) to try and force a recall.
6: Or did Noosa MG fail to tick all the boxes on the update page, when setting up the car for delivery. Current version is Australian R11.

Any comments and advice greatly appreciated. Taking the car in tomorrow for MG response.

I’m reading there are a lot of cars that do this, but not sure I can live with it to be honest. Shame, coz I really like the car.

I think the Aus & NZ numbering is different from Europe. It’s possible the tech doing the update has to answer Y or N to a load of questions during the update. Rather the like the old days if Windows (don’t miss that one bit)
R33 was a bit of a mess for me R46 didn’t have any issues in past 3 months
I have R33 in my Trophy and it is stable. So much so that I don't particularly want it updated as I prefer the original HVAC screen. So it seems that the same software update can be really good or really bad ( I've heard of complaints with R46). It doesn't really make sense does it ? You would think it would always be the same for everyone.
I have R33 in my Trophy and it is stable. So much so that I don't particularly want it updated as I prefer the original HVAC screen. So it seems that the same software update can be really good or really bad ( I've heard of complaints with R46). It doesn't really make sense does it ? You would think it would always be the same for everyone.
They really need to figure out their software. Hardware is great. Software not so much.
@NLMGSAN has posted that a lane line turns red when LKA is activated by that lane. (I have not seen it.) @NLMGSAN makes no mention of TJA but I would guess the same will apply when using that. If you were using TJA that might account for braking and red lines.
Definitely get an occasional red and also blue line on my SE SR and I never use TJA as I always hace ACC selected for use. I don't get many unexpected braking instances - sometimes when passing parked cars on a slight right hand bend but that's not really unexpected.
@NLMGSAN has posted that a lane line turns red when LKA is activated by that lane. (I have not seen it.) @NLMGSAN makes no mention of TJA but I would guess the same will apply when using that. If you were using TJA that might account for braking and red lines.
I deliberately tested this today ... when I moved the car towards the (right in my case) centre line, as I approached it the lane line turned red on the driver display and the steering wheel (gently) pushed left.
I deliberately tested this today ... when I moved the car towards the (right in my case) centre line, as I approached it the lane line turned red on the driver display and the steering wheel (gently) pushed left.
Yep. That is what I get in Alert mode. Blue pops up in LDW and ELK mode.

I wasn’t sure which thread to post in, or whether to start an MG4 Phantom Breaking thread.

Following some great advice on this forum, I’ve been fine tuning my ‘Launch Procedure’. Getting a bit quicker at disabling LKA and AEB.

I’m pretty sure this morning I’d followed my usual routine. Then, on a perfectly straight road, with good line markings, travelling at 80kph I had my second “Phantom Braking’ episode in one month of driving. Very Scary indeed. The display turned the lane lines red. I’m not sure if it actually braked or just used very strong regen braking. But it went from 80kph to 60kph almost immediately. After regrouping I re drove the same piece of road 4 time to try and repeat the incident. Nothing.

In my area, Tailgating (especially by Ute drivers) is at pandemic levels. Had there been one behind me, smash repairs or worse for sure. I’ve spent most of the day reading loads of posts about this issue on MG4s and two solutions stood out, and the rest, mmmm less so.
1: The ‘Towing mode’ fix, has anyone tried this and dose it work?
2: The ‘Disconnect the Camera’ fix, Ditto above.
3: Fit front and rear recording cams, so you can at least win the court case!
4: Stamp on the accelerator and hope.
5: Mass owner complaining to the ACCC (Aussie complaints commission) to try and force a recall.
6: Or did Noosa MG fail to tick all the boxes on the update page, when setting up the car for delivery. Current version is Australian R11.

Any comments and advice greatly appreciated. Taking the car in tomorrow for MG response.

I’m reading there are a lot of cars that do this, but not sure I can live with it to be honest. Shame, coz I really like the car.

View attachment 27749 View attachment 27750
Which safety systems were still active ?
Which safety systems were still active ?
My usual habit is to:
Shut door,
Belt on,
Swipe down from top, empty screen, tap ELK, confirm disable.
Tap Vehicle icon, tap OPD on,
MGPilot, (check LKA is off) tap for Alerts only,
Swipe down, Front collision, tap for alerts only, confirm disable.
Home button.
“ Mr Checkov, ahead warp factor one”

Even if it were fully active, I’m on a straight road with car passing in the opposite direction. Quite a wide road too.
My usual habit is to:
Shut door,
Belt on,
Swipe down from top, empty screen, tap ELK, confirm disable.
Tap Vehicle icon, tap OPD on,
MGPilot, (check LKA is off) tap for Alerts only,
Swipe down, Front collision, tap for alerts only, confirm disable.
Home button.
“ Mr Checkov, ahead warp factor one”

Even if it were fully active, I’m on a straight road with car passing in the opposite direction. Quite a wide road too.
View attachment 27758
I do not have r59. So excuse me for these questions. I'm just trying to understand.
It looks like you also fully disabled ACC/TJA since there is no symbol shown on the dash. Correct?
You wrote that you tap Alerts. You mean you left assist mode activated but in alarm mode only? So no auto emergency braking?
You also mentioned 'red lane lines'. The color of the lane assist symbol in your picture is yellow, meaning it is either fully off, or it is in Alert mode. In Alert mode it shows red colored lines if you (tend to) cross the lane markers. Did you see one or two red lines?
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Yep. That is what I get in Alert mode. Blue pops up in LDW and ELK mode.
I have an SE so it is simply Lane Keep Assist (or LDP - Lane Departure Protection - On in the new pull down menu option) ... the SE doesn't have the dual function that the Trophy/Luxury has. When I mentioned about the lane line turning red I had LKA in Alert + Assist (or however it is termed) mode, hence why the steering wheel was nudged left. :)
I do not have r59. So excuse me for these questions. I'm just trying to understand.
It looks like you also fully disabled ACC/TJA since there is no symbol shown on the dash. Correct?
You wrote that you tap Alerts. You mean you left assist mode activated but in alarm mode only? So no auto emergency braking?
You also mentioned 'red lane lines'. The color of the lane assist symbol in your picture is yellow, meaning it is either fully off, or it is in Alert mode. In Alert mode it shows red colored lines if you (tend to) cross the lane markers. Did you see one or two red lines?
Thanks for your input, I think we might be getting somewhere :)
The picture was taken after the event, when I was driving back and forth, recording the ‘driver display’. Just to show the clear road markings etc.
Yes ACC/TJA would have been disabled.
In the last couple of weeks I’ve been trying to fine tune and shorten my ‘Launch Setup’. I’ve noticed as you swipe up and down the items in MGPilot there are dark and thin lines dividing different sections. These lines disappear when items are selected/deselected (sometimes off screen). I’m getting better at reading the driver display for icons in different colours and what they mean. I’d like some of the icons on the main screen to be a little bigger.
I’m going to start keeping a log each time I get into the car. To be absolutely sure what modes and assists I’m driving with. Hopefully overtime i’ll be confident to when and where any phantom/unwanted braking is taking place.
IMG_9127.jpeg IMG_9128.jpeg
Thanks for your input, I think we might be getting somewhere :)
The picture was taken after the event, when I was driving back and forth, recording the ‘driver display’. Just to show the clear road markings etc.
Yes ACC/TJA would have been disabled.
In the last couple of weeks I’ve been trying to fine tune and shorten my ‘Launch Setup’. I’ve noticed as you swipe up and down the items in MGPilot there are dark and thin lines dividing different sections. These lines disappear when items are selected/deselected (sometimes off screen). I’m getting better at reading the driver display for icons in different colours and what they mean. I’d like some of the icons on the main screen to be a little bigger.
I’m going to start keeping a log each time I get into the car. To be absolutely sure what modes and assists I’m driving with. Hopefully overtime i’ll be confident to when and where any phantom/unwanted braking is taking place.
View attachment 27782 View attachment 27783

Thanks for your input, I think we might be getting somewhere :)
The picture was taken after the event, when I was driving back and forth, recording the ‘driver display’. Just to show the clear road markings etc.
Yes ACC/TJA would have been disabled.
In the last couple of weeks I’ve been trying to fine tune and shorten my ‘Launch Setup’. I’ve noticed as you swipe up and down the items in MGPilot there are dark and thin lines dividing different sections. These lines disappear when items are selected/deselected (sometimes off screen). I’m getting better at reading the driver display for icons in different colours and what they mean. I’d like some of the icons on the main screen to be a little bigger.
I’m going to start keeping a log each time I get into the car. To be absolutely sure what modes and assists I’m driving with. Hopefully overtime i’ll be confident to when and where any phantom/unwanted braking is taking place.
View attachment 27782 View attachment 27783
That is a good thing to start with, although it will cost you some time.

Nevertheless, if you are not using acc/tja an aeb is off, it should not cause the car to brake unless something goes on behind you (cars/pedestrians crossing when driving backwards). Lane assist does not apply the brakes on its own.

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