Standard Member
PFL, 2021, refused update on 19/11/24 basis of advice from MG apparentlyHere what I was trying to do above but obviously got it wrong
Tesla Supercharger MG5
It appears there is a lot of confusion about the ability for the MG5 LR to have an update installed to enable the vehicle to be charged on open to all Tesla superchargers so I thought it might be good to to have the ballot below on the situation as it stands.
So what type of vehicle, have you ?
O Face lifted
O Non Face lift. LR.
O Non face lift. SR.
Year of vehicle.
O 20-21
O 22-23
O. 23-24
As your vehicle been Updated to enable Tesla Superchargers that are open to makes and
Does it now work on Tesla units. ?
O Yes
O No
O Not tried
O Were you asked to or did you pay for this update to be installed. ?
O. Yes
O. No
Have you been refused an update,
or been told no updates for Tesla SC exist for your vehicle by your MG dealership, or they don’t know of one.?
O Yes.
O If you answered yes above have you taken the matter further with MG UK.
O By E-Mail or letter
O Telephone
O Some other means’s maybe trying different dealerships.