Hi , just joined forum to relate my experience so far.
I have the same issues as most, loss of power on inclines , massive over reviving exceeding the manufactures own run in limits of 3000 rpm (5300rpm on a regular basis)
Took the car to dealer and showed him what happened on an incline, cruising at 70 mph , engine revs high, and then it’s like you’ve hit the brakes, left alone speed dropped to 45 mph, engine screeming, and no acceleration available with foot floored.
He did the same test on his demo , it was worse !!
So , I had told them it’s being returned as it’s in 30 days ( incidentally of which 18 days have been trying to investigate this issue)
They connected thier demo car up to the computer and did the same runs, and then sent the data to MG UK, fun old thing, they had a fix for them in 15 minutes !! , as to if it’s PD052, they could not, or would not confirm if it’s was this update.
Anyway, they did the update to their demo, and supposedly it’s fixed, I am going in today to get the same “update” and I will report back as to if this is fixing the issues, I am not confident, but will give it a try.
Dealer is fully aware the car is getting returned if no progress and is happy with that.
The dealer is an independent , family run buisness, and they have been very pro active in investigating this issue, and even they were shocked when MG produced “the fix” so quickly.
It’s disgraceful that this car was released into the UK market knowing it’s got a serious flaw, we had it happen whilst overtaking a lorry, and halfway past, the power disappeared, it was very dangerous. If you are considering one of these cars, be very thorough in your research, some seem fine, but plenty are dangerous in thier current state.