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  1. Labougie

    MG4 in Australia

    Dear MG4 Australien Owners, Have you read this topic? MG4 Luxury - Update Compare in EU Why included Australia & rest of the world? My goal is to share informations concerning - is your car is up to date or outdated. Updates are not OTA, and "garages" sometimes refuse to install them and...
  2. Labougie

    MG4 Luxury - Update Compare in EU

    @NLMGSAN You are right and not. Your ACC update is just cosmetic one. If you think, they just change only how to use the Joystick and add TJA by a long press. So, no statu change. When I went for my annual check, I asked them to update some modules. Result, in the engineer mode, most of infos...
  3. Labougie

    MG4 Luxury - Update Compare in EU

    @BingBong, Your car can be up to date even if you have not the R59. For example, my car missed one update (T-Box), my tech cannot install it cause she fails in the middle of the installation. That's why I have SNAKP19E32 instead of SNAKP23E32 & between them there is SNAKP21E32. All modules are...
  4. Labougie

    MG4 Luxury - Update Compare in EU

    @binbong To access 'Engineering mode': In Settings > System tap Entertainment System Version five times. PIN: 200519 Be careful inside this mode Use it at your Own Risk Labougie
  5. Labougie

    MG4 Luxury - Update Compare in EU

    @nanomad , Very interesting sheet you have. Yours goes more in details, really appreciate your work. In France some people have difficulties to update there car cause of the "Garage". Some techs are not capable. So our sheet is more for help people to have their update for free tax. Also, we...
  6. Labougie

    MG4 Luxury - Update Compare in EU

    @Spaniard , @Rockstar to completed the update, it miss Version MPU T-BOX Version BT T-BOX The best updated luxury looks like to Labougie Edit : ==> Google Sheet
  7. Labougie

    MG4 Luxury - Update Compare in EU

    All, I would like to share you this google sheet. The main goal is to share our versions. Which is the best uptodate? I know there are multi hidden modules, but some are readable in the ingineer mode. To help me is this work, please answer in this format. Do not forget to color in red the...
  8. Labougie

    MG i SMART app remote control instruction failed please try again later

    Ok My Luxury is V1. 1300R46 too I just tell this update has a better link between app and car. Everything has always worked fine, in the past there was a delay between thé app and thé first read. Now, no need to refresh. Labougie
  9. Labougie

    MG i SMART app remote control instruction failed please try again later

    I had the same issue even under my wifi Before my first annual service yesterderday, Each Time i runned ismart , the main page was always empty. Now, when i run it, all informations are loaded and correct. Without scrolling. I think the update Is snakp23e32 Before and after the visit...
  10. Labougie

    MG4 Trophy map update – BEWARE

    I found this read, Do you think it's a good idea to update this system for our mg 4? In my mind there are two position in...
  11. Labougie

    MG4 Trophy map update – BEWARE

    Is someone has informations about ISA ? The first time I try to load the map, the process shows me 3 different files to Update. (((It was with the wrong VN.txt. It was going around in circles.))) Map 18,8 Go Isa. 2,86 Go VR. Unknown Point 3 VR, no read found at this time. Point 1, the map...
  12. Labougie

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    @gsxr2001 @BingBong Hi, I saw my dealer this morning for the 1st service. He has a look in his computer to find the link between calculators and this one nothing at all. Have you the name of these "modules", it could help a lot ;) Labougie
  13. Labougie

    MG4 Trophy map update – BEWARE

    @nanomad The md5 change due to the VN file. It’ s now included into the package. Inside it, you’ll find only pass Your dwld .zip in the past Is exactly the same .zip The vn file Is only the change Labougie
  14. Labougie

    MG4 Trophy map update – BEWARE

    In france we do not have yet the R59, it's crazy. My next visit will be in 20 days, (1st Year), I hope the tech could find a way to update the map and the software in R59. I suppose R33 users are not able to update there map too? I believe more in MG lockdown with the System. labougie
  15. Labougie

    MG4 Trophy map update – BEWARE

    Do you think this update could be realized in ingeneer mode? When you look in this menu, you can see under USB Update, Map activation. When you hit "map activation" nothing appears, but somethings in my mind think this update is available in this mode. Also, the sips software (used by techs")...
  16. Labougie

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    On my R46, the star left shortcut is "buggy", impossible to change the settings. It's always the regen mode. On your R59, is it fully functional ? Man you change as you this shortcut from regen mode to something else? Labougie
  17. Labougie

    MG iSmart 2.0 [merged]

    Able25, Here is 2 links to help you at 1'03 at 3'50 labougie
  18. Labougie

    Radio setup

    Siteguru, I think it's better with no sound when you go in. Personly, I prefer, sometimes when you leave your work, more quiet is better ;-) And with one push, the sound comes back Labougie
  19. Labougie

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Martin, All owners in France received a special offer on charging. The 3 first at 50% Off with Electra network. For me, it appears when the app version 2.0 is out. Labougie
  20. Labougie

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Someone in France has had an OTA update. Here is the link. Network used 4G, MG4 V2 R46. I tried on mine, MG4 Trophy V1 R46, nothing in 4G or Wifi. So, wait and see in the future Labougie
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