
A charging station, also called an EV charger or electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE), is a piece of equipment that supplies electrical power for charging plug-in electric vehicles (including hybrids, neighborhood electric vehicles, trucks, buses, and others).
Although batteries can only be charged with DC power, most electric vehicles have an onboard AC-to-DC converter that allows them to be plugged into a standard household AC electrical receptacle. Inexpensive low-power public charging stations will also provide AC power, known as "AC charging stations". To facilitate higher power charging, which requires much larger AC-to-DC converters, the converter is built into the charging station instead of the vehicle, and the station supplies already-converted DC power directly to the vehicle, bypassing the vehicle's onboard converter. These are known as "DC charging stations". Most fully electric car models can accept both AC and DC power.
Charging stations provide connectors that conform to a variety of standards. DC charging stations are commonly equipped with multiple connectors to be able to supply a wide variety of vehicles.
Public charging stations are typically found street-side or at retail shopping centers, government facilities, and other parking areas.

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  1. JimmyTwotimes

    Home charging and preheat battery when its cold

    I've tried to make sense of some of the preheat threads on here but i'm not sure the question I have is answered, so here goes.... When scheduling an overnight charge for my car (MG4 Trophy Long Range, Octopus Intelligent Go and Zappi charger) at home and when the weather is cold (lets say for...
  2. megamac

    Car stops charging at 97% - Long Trip mode

    Hi all, For the last month or so the car has stopped charging at 97% when we set it up to charge for a long trip mode and reach 100%. Is there something that we need to bring up with the garage? This has happened for both slow chargers and the fast charger. See the email from the Phone app...
  3. geegee

    MG4 charging flap not opening

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  4. L

    EHS 2025 charging configuration

    Hello, I'm looking for reliable information about the charging configuration: Is it 1 phase up to 32A? Or 2 phases 16A? Both mean ~7kW charging power. (I strongly hope that the chinese engineers opted for the 2nd option)
  5. Hadrian

    The EV is FULL

    I have an MG4 Trophy Long Range, purchased in April 2023. The car is mainly used for short journeys and is charged at home using my Zappi 2.1 charger from my Intelligent Go account with Octopus Energy. With Intelligent Go, the charging schedules are created automatically via the wi-fi link...
  6. F

    Set to 80% but charging to 90%

    My car is (without doubt) set to charge limit to 80% but on a few occasions recently, it has charged to a displayed 90% SOC overnight. Pretty odd, it hasn't done this historically. Anyone else ever experience this?
  7. tonybridge

    Charging at AppleGreen stations, Warwick Services

    Arrived this afternoon at Warwick South Services to top up for the final 70 miles to home. 20 Tesla stations all ful - round the corner, 16 AppleGreens for us poor people, completely empty :unsure: So, plugged in, faffed about with the touch screen (almost unreadable in the strong winter sun)...
  8. S

    MG5 Scheduled charging success

    Hi I have had a few issues sorting out charging on my Easee One This might help if you have similar issues. Before you do anything set the schedule you want on your app I only use delayed scheduling if you also have that. Disable any automatic scheduling on the car Start the car to open the...
  9. fshuk1

    Charging curve for MG4 SE SR I'm not sure if this has been shared.
  10. jackhill1

    Charging MG 4Trophy

    I have been charging my MG 4 for 6 months without a problem with my Podpoint charger which is 7kW charger, but when I view the charging rate it shows only 5.5 kW. Is this correct.
  11. K

    System Fault

    After charging my car, it wouldn't turn off and I couldn't get it into gear. It showed the message Vehicle Control System Fault After 30 minutes, it seemed to re-set itself. Any advice as to why this would happen?
  12. JIS

    Things learnt so far on our Spanish adventure

    The thing about owning an EV is that you learn fast and most via the hard way ! People who don't own EVs waffle on about range anxiety. However this is not the issue at all, it is charger anxiety ! Perhaps not where we live in SW France where there are many EV charging points where we have not...
  13. subfiver

    Navigation - planning charging stops.

    Just getting to grips with the car I've had for 3 days ... We live in Cartagena, Spain and planning a trip to Seville, @5hrs & 550km distant. Asking the car's navigation system for a route gives me one and helpfully overlays the car's projected range on the map, which I thought a neat touch...
  14. P

    Problem charging with 7kW charger

    We've just bought a 2022 MG HS PHEV & are trying to charge the EV battery using our 7kW home charger. We've connected it up okay but the light on the wall charger is staying green and not charging, when it's supposed to turn blue shortly after connecting & then begin charging. Do we need to...
  15. ChrisTheTaurean


    Issue resolved; as per message further into the thread, with ionity you have to activate/pay before plugging in not after, like most other charger units/providers. Original message [I’ve really just one word… IONITY. Is it me or does mg5 just not like the IONITY chargers? …]
  16. John Sauve Rodd

    Is 'battery heating on' setting in 'charging' important and if so why?

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  17. H

    WONT CHARGE!! Vehicle Control system fault

    Hi all, Hope this post is okay. I've had an MG4 SE for a month now with now 650 miles on the ODO, i left my car on charge overnight at my workplace, like I do most shifts but when i got in the car to leave work yesterday i drove about 5 miles before an amber "Vehicle Control System fault"...
  18. S

    Public charging @ 20p /kWh anyone lol

    My local council is putting loads of new chargers in and this one just came on line. Considering the same charger one street over is 54p I am guessing this is a mistake but as someone who relies 100% on public charging it would be rude to not take advantage before they notice.
  19. siteguru

    How Low Can You Go .... (SoC)

    It's GOM calibration and balance time, so I ran the car down low and left it for a couple of hours before starting to charge. This was a photo I took immediately before starting the charge: Anyone else gone lower? :) PS - I checked the SOH with Car Scanner and it said 92.66%. I'll check...
  20. P

    Charging speeds

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