As I discovered today from reading the manual there is no OTA updates so I can’t think of a reason to use the WiFi. I also drive a Tesla and the MG is my wife’s car so I made a big assumption there. It’s a fair assumption to make that the WiFi should be fine to connect to though and shouldn’t not cause instability.
Yeah i owned one for 4 months back in the summer of 2022, in that time i did not receive any OTA.
Bought the Tesla as a replacement for the MG ZS EV (Car was totalled) when Tesla slashed prices A LOT but now we have ordered one again, as the wife needs a better car because she is changing jobs and need to do 60 mile round trip for work every day going forward. (And MG slashed prices on it substancially here in Denmark to empty stock in preparation for the new model)
Was quite surprised to know that the ZS EV had not received a single OTA in its lifetime, even from 2022 until now 2025, and now when it is almost going to be EOL and replaced with a new version i feel like it's highly unlikely that it will ever receive any OTA at all.
This is, as you would also know, a far cry from the way Tesla does it, i receive 10+ updates for the car every year.
I do know that the ZS EV was only going to get OTA on the Infotainment, not every other module, but as far as i have been able to gather, it has actually received updates for the infotainment, but all of those have had to be installed by attaching a computer at a certified MG dealer.
It seems like to good old saying "Can get updates" is not equal to "Will get updates" when it comes to chinese stuff. Kind of deceptive on MG's part to have "OTA updates" as a sales argument, but then never ever release even one update.
PS.But yes, it should also work on Wifi i agree.