Bowfer; each to their own, but i disagree on the regen setting: Once you get used to a near-one-pedal driving style, having maximum regen saves energy and, perhaps more importantly, may save a life; while the human shoe-shuffle is going from accelerator to brake, the car is already 'braking' regeneratively, so shaving a metre or few off the total stopping distance; that metre may be an errant three-year-olds head-to-bonnet contact.
Driving 1-p on our honda e on single-carriageway/b/c roads was delightful, why the hell anyone would want to not do that is beyond me. Big roads; yes turn it off. One of the issues many implementations may have, though, is the accelerator response algorithm: a non-linear response with a dead-zone around zero acceleration demand provides a non- kangaroo response and is easy to implement, but it's still early days for ev's yet - and the human element is the hardest bit to satisfy (lol, eh!?)
KH11: of no importance whatsoever, but remember the (current (sorry)) ev's don't have a 'gearbox' in the trad sense, just a single permanently (hopefully) fixed gear and an electric motor that just spins faster for more speed. Hope you enjoy your car; after a million miles stick-shifting, i find nothing enjoyable about the occasional step backwards to the agricultural feel of ice.