Ah, that does put a bit of a crimp in the idea!
I was just musing yesterday how much more I have become dependent on my phone since I got my MG4. Not only do I use the app for the car itself, I'm using apps for route planning and charger access, and now using Google Maps with Android Auto to get wherever I want to go. The reason I was doing the musing is that I left my phone in the theatre, and due to one-way streets and pedestrianised roads got comprehensively lost trying to back-track a half-mile walk from theatre to restaurant in the car. (Of course if I'd thought of plugging my friend's phone in to the car rather than listening to her clueless directions I might have got on better.)
When I got the car I did have a smartphone and I could operate the MG app and chargers, but it was a simple-minded model that couldn't do Android Auto. When that died while arguing with an Ionity charger in Stafford, I bought a phone capable of running Android Auto and my life has been transformed. Just speaking my destination to the car and having the route come up on the screen is frankly amazing.
Maybe you don't need all this, having a Trophy with its extra bells and whistles, but honestly, if I were you I would think about getting a smartphone.