He's an MG Customer Service Advisors WET DREAM!!!
And I quote.
"Yes I do have the vibration, but it's not a problem"
"I just do 60 or 72mph"
I agree with almost everything else he has to say though.
In fact, I think he's been reading all my back threads!!
The square rear number plate doesn't do it for me.
Most of you who know me, know I Love My Car, and have been banging on for months about Performance Per Pound, Ease Of Use, Fun To Drive, etc etc.
Nothing comes close for the money.
It is an exceptional all round package IMO.
But I will not accept the vibration being a characteristic or something I can, or should work around.
Don't get me wrong, I do work around it by breaking the speed limit.
I do not expect to be in front of the Beak anytime soon for 75mph, but.........maybe?
"My excuse Ma'Lud, is that I had a hastily engineered early car, and MG say I am suppose to Just Shut Up and go away.
Not happening.