The vibes are there regardless.
Rear motor only=Vibes.
Both motors also equals Vibes.
Mode selected also equals zero difference in my case.
On the power or off the power.
In neutral and coasting? No difference.
No rhyme nor reason.
Bad some days, more mild on others.
On one particular stretch of road that I use constantly, the vibes are.......variable.
Temperature, pressure, speed, wind direction, wifes mood, maccy d's consumed (or not) time of day, condition of road, condition of tyres, make of rubber, are they balanced correctly, driveshaft position, rotating components quality, (including manufacturer and balance) yada, yada, Yadaaaaa.
I'll run 37 rear, 40 front, for a week, then change over but........
I'm only expecting the vibes to get worse as a result.
Its only the running of them at 40psi, which got me to a stage where I could cope with it, and just bide my time til the official repair was done.
And we all know what became of that!
MG came up with idea that the position of rotating components were a thing, hence different mounting brackets cited as a repair.