For the money, the X Power has no peers.
And that was paying nearly the full bloody retail price!
And for what you can buy a new one now, nothing will come close in value.
We will always compare 0 to 60 etc because that is a real thing you can benchmark.
I know my stereo isn't great.
I know my seats are not the most supportive.
I know my BIG LOOKING BRAKES are fake.
I know my suspension could be better.
I know my interior is not very different to the Boggo model.
I knew all that, but bought the car because I got it at an exceptionally fair price. (And I paid 35k!!)
Performance per Pound, this car has no peers.
I will never again pay more than 40k for a car because of the thieving VED.
So 'want' a Hyundai Ioniq 5N? Yes.
I would definitely like to test drive a 2nd hand one.
Not sure it would come home with me though..... it's just too bloody BIG. (IMO)
No, I've got my hopes pinned on MG Nailing the next generation of X Power.
And if they don't, then I'm more than happy to keep whizzing round in the one I have now, for many years to come.
It's still an excellent all round package.
(Well, perhaps a later one when I eventually win in court)