Our last car was a Honda FRV in Nighthawk Black. Stunning finish that had flecks of blue that showed up in bright sunlight. We didn't choose the colour as it one of the very last unregistered FRVs in the UK.
I did like the colour, but Mrs Secure thought it didn't stand out on the road. Also, we found out in time that the undercoat was white. Why would you do that?? White undercoat on a black car. Every little scratch showed up!
When it came to choosing the colour of the 4, we weren't keen on the orange or blue, the black was out and I've had two white cars which were a pain to keep looking smart, so Mrs S chose the red. I really liked the grey, thought it looked super smart, but Mrs S thought it was too dark.
When we picked it up, the sales guy pulled off the sheet and I must say it looked very smart in the red.