I have spoken in this thread before, but here's my take on my Performance EV experience so far.
The X Power is only a Performance Car when you want it to be.
Let me qualify that.
In a Bonafide Performance car, my Old Escort Cosworth for example, it was a Performance Car the moment you turned the ignition key.
The Noise, The Clutch, The Gearbox, The Brakes, in my 400bhp Cossie, it was all set up to perform, right from the get-go.
Exciting? You betcha.
Tiresome? Eventually.
I remember one track session at Silverstone in 1999, where I came back in literally dripping with sweat.
It was just so very manic from the start of the session, to the finish. (Usually 20 minutes)
Accelerate, Gear, Accelerate, Gear, Accelerate, Gear, Brake, Gear, Brake, Gear, Brake, Gear, Accelerate, Gear, Accelerate, Gear, Accelerate, Gear, Brake, Gear, Brake, Gear, Brake Gear, Accelerate, Gear, Accelerate, Gear, Accelerate, Gear, Brake, Gear, Brake, Gear, Brake, Gear, Accelerate, Gear, Accelerate, Gear, Accelerate, Gear, Brake, Gear, Brake, Gear, Brake Gear, Cooldown lap, then into the pits.
Exhausted just reading it.?
So in that regard the X Power is excellent.
Normal, easy, quiet, and relaxing.
But at the press of a button, otherworldly fast, dynamic, engaging and exciting.
And to any X Power owners who haven't really explored the performance of your vehicle, you must trust me when I say this....
This is a very fast car. Very Fast indeed.
Enjoy it while you can because I'm damn sure, in years to come, the cars speed sign recognition system, will be linked to a speed limiter that will electronically stop you enjoying the performance of your car.
(Even when safe to do so)
Some people say " It's never safe"
I disagree.
But that's a whole other thread on here somewhere else.
When that time comes, I will throw in the towel and probably buy something dull and unexciting. (Probably?)
I mean here's the daft thing about the X Power.
As a driving experience, It could be classed as dull and unexciting in normal, day to day use.
But just knowing of the forces that can be unleashed with a flex of your right foot....
I find that very exciting indeed. (Probably just me)
The X Power IMO, is the best of all the world's in motoring as they currently exist.
You can have your cake, and eat it.
For now.
(Views expressed by the member are all his own and do not represent anybody or the MG EV forum in anyway whatsoever)