It's a bit addictive. He runs around in his fancy Porsche Taycan, a rocket sled that can charge at 250 Kw and has a satnav like a Tesla that shows him all the good chargers and can navigate him to the best one in real time, making the biggest balls-up of the charging he can manage. All for YouTube revenue.
He likes to find 50 Kw chargers, and to charge from 40% right to 100%. He seeks out busy charging stations and pretends there's a queue even when there isn't. His latest was to go to an Osprey site that was brand new and not yet switched on, and claim all the chargers were broken. He parks the wrong way round then claims the cable won't reach and drives off.
For good measure he seems to go everywhere about 50 mph, just to make sure he's really, really late for whatever it is he's trying to get to.
He must have made a fortune, probably enough to trade up for the latest, even faster Taycan. I'm damn sure he has no intention of going back to an ICE car for all his protestations that "EVs are not the future".