I suppose what I feel about the screen size is that anything larger than what I have in the MG4 ER would be an even greater distraction than it already is with all its gadgetry. And I fear that anything more 'modern' in the way of screen/software would benefit little, as in my Nov 2023 ER, I also get occasional daft glitches with all the totally unnecessary salesman’s delights that the Trophy version has added to it – particularly the 360 deg camera that occasionally switches to totally unrelated views, or gets stuck in reverse view when going forwards – but not often, thankfully. I also hate the switching to side-view at only gentle turns to show a completely incomprehensible (without gluing your driving eyes dangerously to the screen to interpret) side view of nothing useful, just when you are trying to negotiate a complicated junction with the GPS in already catch-up or totally lost (common in France!)
I would have preferred more of an SE-type offering, but I needed the largest battery/range I could get, and that didn’t exist without all the Trophy ‘geekery’. I admit some of it is OK though, but having been driving without incident for well over 60 years, I also don’t need, or want, some AI robot telling me how to drive – when I forget to shut off the ghastly LKA, LCA and FCA before setting off. They are quite simply hazardous to basic observant driving, and can actually be dangerous on well- (or badly-) marked narrow roads.
I also was half-tempted by the X-Power, for fun, but again, and despite the ER's battery size and extra weight, it does make a useful difference in extra range, and with not such an enormous loss of driving ‘zazz’ behind an X-Power – at my age, anyway!
And as to FSD ... NTY {no thank you)!