MG4 Should I get one? What’s the consensus from owners and those waiting?

Hi there,
I’m not that regular on these forums as I was, since selling my ZS. I still pop in now and then as it’s a great forum!

My Daughter likes the MG4 in orange colour and we are seriously thinking of ordering. We’ve been told about 16 weeks wait.

There’s loads of great posts about the MG4 and I’ve tried to read through most of them, but I thought that I would ask some direct questions to you learned folk!

1/Are there any purchase deals of any sort out there? Even service packs perhaps or some other sweeteners? I’ve been offered £340 off so far!

2/Lots of posts on here about issues, what are the top 3 that I should look for please before taking ownership? Anything really major? How are we finding getting them sorted? I didn‘t have a great MG experience when dealing with issues I’m afraid.

3/Any regrets about your MG4 purchase and if so why?

4/One of my biggest gripes with previous MG ownership was the dealers! Sorry, but I found them lacking. MG customer service also did not impress. Any strong recommendations on a dealer? I’m not too fussed where in the UK I purchase from, but would like to choose a dealership that has proven to look after customers well, and therefore deserves the business.

5/Is the build quality up to your expectations? I found my ZS to be adequate for the price and where the make sits in the market.

Finally, anything else by way of buying advice would be much appreciated !

Thank you all,
Stay warm!
To answer the op question of buying one now……definitely not, the mg4 has a litany of problems which have to date not been rectified by Mg and won’t be for some time yet. I won’t be ordering for at least a year until I’m satisfied that the design, engineering and build quality are resolved.
I’m also waiting to see what the Fisker Ocean is like when they start delivering to the uk next year.
If you do decide to become a test pilot for mg and purchase one, don’t step foot into the dealers, phone around and ask for their best price, pitting one dealer against another, you’ll be surprised at what you can squeeze out of them!
To answer the op question of buying one now……definitely not, the mg4 has a litany of problems which have to date not been rectified by Mg and won’t be for some time yet. I won’t be ordering for at least a year until I’m satisfied that the design, engineering and build quality are resolved.
I’m also waiting to see what the Fisker Ocean is like when they start delivering to the uk next year.
If you do decide to become a test pilot for mg and purchase one, don’t step foot into the dealers, phone around and ask for their best price, pitting one dealer against another, you’ll be surprised at what you can squeeze out of them!
Fisker Ocean Forum
My tuppence worth for what its worth, I had a MG4 Trophy on order from the 1st October. I had an EV previously as a company runabout
I ordered the 4 mainly because I thought it was great value for what you were getting.
I had a couple of test drives, my honest opinion was that looks wise apart from the front, it was nothing special.

I found the wheels and trims a bit under sized for the car and not the best looks wise.
I wasn't hugely impressed with the interior of the SE especially the seats, I did prefer the trophy which I had on order, both are pretty dark though and lack lights.

I was willing to accept all of these because as a driving car I really enjoyed it, and as I said it was a good deal.

I came on this forum to try and learn more about it, I'm glad I did as I would have blindly walked into my purchase, unaware of all the issues. I know you get issues with new models but it just seemed like one after another.

The big issue for me was the dealers and MG's reaction to the faults,
There are faults we all know there are, dealers and manufacturers should be completely transparent, put there hands up, admit the faults and do there utmost to rectify them for everyone. Sadly as has been mentioned on here on numerous occasions this is not the case.

It should also not fall on owners to try and come up with ways of trying to fix issues they have identified.

I ended up cancelling my order, I didn't want the hassle of running backwards and forwards to a dealers. My own dealer told me they had no issues with any of their cars, their PDI checks were a level above! I then proceeded to show him the bulges on their demonstrator and showroom car. He didn't know what to say.

But hey the bulge is meant to be there! Purely cosmetic and serves no purpose so we will just remove it altogether.

It was designed and fitted for a reason and it is poor which begs the question what else is?

I will probably now be given a link to another EV forum ?
My tuppence worth for what its worth, I had a MG4 Trophy on order from the 1st October. I had an EV previously as a company runabout
I ordered the 4 mainly because I thought it was great value for what you were getting.
I had a couple of test drives, my honest opinion was that looks wise apart from the front, it was nothing special.

I found the wheels and trims a bit under sized for the car and not the best looks wise.
I wasn't hugely impressed with the interior of the SE especially the seats, I did prefer the trophy which I had on order, both are pretty dark though and lack lights.

I was willing to accept all of these because as a driving car I really enjoyed it, and as I said it was a good deal.

I came on this forum to try and learn more about it, I'm glad I did as I would have blindly walked into my purchase, unaware of all the issues. I know you get issues with new models but it just seemed like one after another.

The big issue for me was the dealers and MG's reaction to the faults,
There are faults we all know there are, dealers and manufacturers should be completely transparent, put there hands up, admit the faults and do there utmost to rectify them for everyone. Sadly as has been mentioned on here on numerous occasions this is not the case.

It should also not fall on owners to try and come up with ways of trying to fix issues they have identified.

I ended up cancelling my order, I didn't want the hassle of running backwards and forwards to a dealers. My own dealer told me they had no issues with any of their cars, their PDI checks were a level above! I then proceeded to show him the bulges on their demonstrator and showroom car. He didn't know what to say.

But hey the bulge is meant to be there! Purely cosmetic and serves no purpose so we will just remove it altogether.

It was designed and fitted for a reason and it is poor which begs the question what else is?

I will probably now be given a link to another EV forum ?
I think that’s a very honest viewpoint. Let’s face it the number one attraction with MG in the current market is their competitive pricing, and the recent introduction to the UK of a purpose built modern EV that the motoring press seem to love (very rarely do any of them comment on the post sales quality or experience) - this will attract potential buyers even though the sales experience is generally far better than the post sales one. I’ve said before early adopters should expect to find issues.
I found during my ownership, that MG and their dealerships were very poor overall at managing the customer experience and this going forward is a big concern. My ZS itself was actually ok and I enjoyed the 18000 miles that I covered before moving on.
I accept there will be issues; it’s getting them sorted professionally and swiftly that is a big concern at the moment.
I have no stats, but my gut feel is the majority of owners are generally less demanding and travel relatively short distances each year. You’re also more likely to be impressed with how the car drives if this is your first EV. More seasoned and demanding EV owners will look much deeper than just how it drives.
This also helps MG, as a more demanding demographic would I think further expose their inadequacies.
Having said all that, many other manufacturers and dealers are also far from good at looking after their customers. Paying considerably more for a different make of EV will not necessarily guarantee a better overall experience.
My tuppence worth for what its worth, I had a MG4 Trophy on order from the 1st October. I had an EV previously as a company runabout
I ordered the 4 mainly because I thought it was great value for what you were getting.
I had a couple of test drives, my honest opinion was that looks wise apart from the front, it was nothing special.

I found the wheels and trims a bit under sized for the car and not the best looks wise.
I wasn't hugely impressed with the interior of the SE especially the seats, I did prefer the trophy which I had on order, both are pretty dark though and lack lights.

I was willing to accept all of these because as a driving car I really enjoyed it, and as I said it was a good deal.

I came on this forum to try and learn more about it, I'm glad I did as I would have blindly walked into my purchase, unaware of all the issues. I know you get issues with new models but it just seemed like one after another.

The big issue for me was the dealers and MG's reaction to the faults,
There are faults we all know there are, dealers and manufacturers should be completely transparent, put there hands up, admit the faults and do there utmost to rectify them for everyone. Sadly as has been mentioned on here on numerous occasions this is not the case.

It should also not fall on owners to try and come up with ways of trying to fix issues they have identified.

I ended up cancelling my order, I didn't want the hassle of running backwards and forwards to a dealers. My own dealer told me they had no issues with any of their cars, their PDI checks were a level above! I then proceeded to show him the bulges on their demonstrator and showroom car. He didn't know what to say.

But hey the bulge is meant to be there! Purely cosmetic and serves no purpose so we will just remove it altogether.

It was designed and fitted for a reason and it is poor which begs the question what else is?

I will probably now be given a link to another EV forum ?
I think your view is very similar to that of not only many on the forum looking for insights but my own.

#Before anyone thinks, to type the forum immortal phrases of
"oh here we go, another moan about niggles",
"its a new platform, things should not be expected to be perfect"
"why do people post on a forum for a vehicle they don't own"
"well my car has been perfect"

Each forum member is empowered to share their experience's and thoughts, that is what makes these places so powerful, and a resource car manufacturers and dealerships ignore at their peril. So, please feel free to read, or not to read the following, but before you type, engage brain and be:
Open minded enough to counter any confirmation bias you may be experiencing

@Leni16 I too test drove the MG4 (it was a LR SE) on the 01st October, I loved the drive, didn't like that it had no rear view camera or heated seats, and lane assist was dangerous and turned itself back on each restart, but I ordered and placed my £250 deposit on a White Trophy.
I was told it would be around 12 weeks, e.g. by Christmas Eve, (however it is still TBA on the MG Dealer info page. so likely delivery perhaps Jan Feb 2023? Who knows) but waiting times and delays are to be expected for any car order (EV or ICE)

I then joined this forum to expand my knowledge of the vehicle, and to fully understand what owners of the early deliveries were finding out, any niggles, and tips I should look out for come my own delivery day.

To be fair, we have owned a VW ID.3 since Dec 2021, so I know EV's are not perfect and glitches and recalls abound, but I think the MG4 is now entering a level where I am no longer confident in it.

I know, we all suffer from confirmation bias, and people are way more likely to post a negative rather than sing a positive, I fully understand that, but some of the issues of late have been very significant.
In no particular order, I have read each thread and thought about what I would do if I had a car which exhibited these faults, imagined the stress and inconvenience and its when you "walk a mile in their shoes" that you start to think, why should we accept this at all.

Oil leak -
New ground has ben broken here, even for an ICE car, where many more moving parts and more opportunities for leaks may indeed exist, for a new EV to have it I was surprised.
I was even more surprised with MG's reaction, initial denials, then will only rectify & retro fit the fix if you experience the problem. Well, sorry, no, it should be a redesign not a botched job and ALL vehicles sold to date should be inspected and rectified. Furthermore, all deliveries post November 2022 should not have a car which has not had this corrected. Perhaps if a recall for this issue had manifest then as a consumer and user base / community, we would have had more confidence in the brand and the vehicle. The face it has been handled so shabbily erodes confidence in the brand, the vehicle and the competence of each and every dealership

Locked in (key issues) -
This one I find almost incomprehensible, that a brand new to market car has not been tested to the extent that this issue was not picked up. The fact it has escalated to a RECALL is one positive to be thankful of.
I wonder if the Oil leak should have been escalated to the same degree (I know this is more user impactful and potentially dangerous, hence its escalation,) but so could mechanical failure of the motor be impactful?

Restricted speed (Loss of Power) -
May be model specific, e.g. related only to SR-SE models, who knows, but a vehicle which fails to accelerate when merging onto fast moving traffic flow, for no apparent reason, whilst the SOC is more than 40%, and all other potential options are not engaged (ECO plus modes) it can put your life in danger and thus far I don't think it has been investigated or evaluated enough by MG.

Under Tray Dip/Bulge-
Ok, it may look cosmetic, but it serves a purpose, and the instance of a forum member hitting standing water and ripping part of it off, is exactly what was feared may happen. It is "not a design feature" is it a fault and one which may hinder efficiency and increase noise at speed, and lets not forget, its there to protect the lower most components, if open to the elements, it is not doing its function.

Partial deployment of Driver Airbag -
This one, is a poor reflection of build quality and if more of these instances come to light (as more and more units are in the field -With higher frequency, we should expect to observe more opportunities to fail) on a super critical item such as the driver's steering wheel airbag, then the rest of the issues just simply fade into the "also ran" category.

The Quality Also-Ran category:

Software glitches - these happen on all modern vehicles, and will continue to, as long as the MG dealer network learns how to install them correctly and regular updates are created and cascaded it should be an iterative loop of continuous improvement

Wheel balancing (or lack of it) -
A simple one but rumbles and vibrations on a new vehicle would not be expected. Simple wheel balancing I mean, come on guys, its simple.

Dead car - 12V Battery -
Perhaps the incorrect specification of a 12V battery could be to blame, perhaps the low temps (not anticipated) could be to blame, who knows.

Heater / Air conditioning - Incorrectly calibrated controls (no heat until 28 Deg C?) We also have instances of the wrong privacy glass for model spec being used, what is to say in some units they have the incorrect or worse, none fitted PTC heater elements. If the heater controls do not generate heat perhaps this is not down to software alone, perhaps they are missing components (I jest, partly, but would you put it past them to miss stuff out ? :D)

So, not an exhaustive list, as I am not trying to paint the ultimate negative picture, I'm really not, but all excuses aside, it isn't good enough, no matter how much of a value proposition the car may be, if it spends most of its life at the dealership or dripping oil on your drive, it fails to operate as expected on any aspect of user expectations, if bits break of fall off, is it really a bargain or a false economy which continually plays on the mind.

I know there is a lot to unpack here, mostly because it has been playing on my mind of late, and as we know we don't have concrete number of cars on the road Vs number of issues and it must be stressed, I have yet to reach a final decision about my order, I will wait for a delivery date and visually inspect the car before making any decision, but week by week as the issues encountered rise, the confidence in the vehicle drops.
Last edited:
I think your view is very similar to that of not only many on the forum looking for insights but my own.

#Before anyone thinks, to type the forum immortal phrases of
"oh here we go, another moan about niggles",
"its a new platform, things should not be expected to be perfect"
"why do people post on a forum for a vehicle they don't own"
"well my car has been perfect"

Each forum member is empowered to share their experience's and thoughts, that is what makes these places so powerful, and a resource car manufacturers and dealerships ignore at their peril. So, please feel free to read, or not to read the following, but before you type, engage brain and be:
Open minded enough to counter any confirmation bias you may be experiencing

@Leni16 I too test drove the MG4 (it was a LR SE) on the 01st October, I loved the drive, didn't like that it had no rear view camera or heated seats, and lane assist was dangerous and turned itself back on each restart, but I ordered and placed my £250 deposit on a White Trophy.
I was told it would be around 12 weeks, e.g. by Christmas Eve, (however it is still TBA on the MG Dealer info page. so likely delivery perhaps Jan Feb 2023? Who knows) but waiting times and delays are to be expected for any car order (EV or ICE)

I then joined this forum to expand my knowledge of the vehicle, and to fully understand what owners of the early deliveries were finding out, any niggles, and tips I should look out for come my own delivery day.

To be fair, we have owned a VW ID.3 since Dec 2021, so I know EV's are not perfect and glitches and recalls abound, but I think the MG4 is now entering a level where I am no longer confident in it.

I know, we all suffer from confirmation bias, and people are way more likely to post a negative rather than sing a positive, I fully understand that, but some of the issues of late have been very significant.
In no particular order, I have read each thread and thought about what I would do if I had a car which exhibited these faults, imagined the stress and inconvenience and its when you "walk a mile in their shoes" that you start to think, why should we accept this at all.

Oil leak -
New ground has ben broken here, even for an ICE car, where many more moving parts and more opportunities for leaks may indeed exist, for a new EV to have it I was surprised.
I was even more surprised with MG's reaction, initial denials, then will only rectify & retro fit the fix if you experience the problem. Well, sorry, no, it should be a redesign not a botched job and ALL vehicles sold to date should be inspected and rectified. Furthermore, all deliveries post November 2022 should not have a car which has not had this corrected. Perhaps if a recall for this issue had manifest then as a consumer and user base / community, we would have had more confidence in the brand and the vehicle. The face it has been handled so shabbily erodes confidence in the brand, the vehicle and the competence of each and every dealership

Locked in (key issues) -
This one I find almost incomprehensible, that a brand new to market car has not been tested to the extent that this issue was not picked up. The fact it has escalated to a RECALL is one positive to be thankful of.
I wonder if the Oil leak should have been escalated to the same degree (I know this is more user impactful and potentially dangerous, hence its escalation,) but so could mechanical failure of the motor be impactful?

Restricted speed (Loss of Power) -
May be model specific, e.g. related only to SR-SE models, who knows, but a vehicle which fails to accelerate when merging onto fast moving traffic flow, for no apparent reason, whilst the SOC is more than 40%, and all other potential options are not engaged (ECO plus modes) it can put your life in danger and thus far I don't think it has been investigated or evaluated enough by MG.

Under Tray Dip/Bulge-
Ok, it may look cosmetic, but it serves a purpose, and the instance of a forum member hitting standing water and ripping part of it off, is exactly what was feared may happen. It is "not a design feature" is it a fault and one which may hinder efficiency and increase noise at speed, and lets not forget, its there to protect the lower most components, if open to the elements, it is not doing its function.

Partial deployment of Driver Airbag -
This one, is a poor reflection of build quality and if more of these instances come to light (as more and more units are in the field -With higher frequency, we should expect to observe more opportunities to fail) on a super critical item such as the driver's steering wheel airbag, then the rest of the issues just simply fade into the "also ran" category.

The Quality Also-Ran category:

Software glitches - these happen on all modern vehicles, and will continue to, as long as the MG dealer network learns how to install them correctly and regular updates are created and cascaded it should be an iterative loop of continuous improvement

Wheel balancing (or lack of it) -
A simple one but rumbles and vibrations on a new vehicle would not be expected. Simple wheel balancing I mean, come on guys, its simple.

Dead car - 12V Battery -
Perhaps the incorrect specification of a 12V battery could be to blame, perhaps the low temps (not anticipated) could be to blame, who knows.

Heater / Air conditioning - Incorrectly calibrated controls (no heat until 28 Deg C?) We also have instances of the wrong privacy glass for model spec being used, what is to say in some units they have the incorrect or worse, none fitted PTC heater elements. If the heater controls do not generate heat perhaps this is not down to software alone, perhaps they are missing components (I jest, partly, but would you put it past them to miss stuff out ? :D)

So, not an exhaustive list, as I am not trying to paint the ultimate negative picture, I'm really not, but all excuses aside, it isn't good enough, no matter how much of a value proposition the car may be, if it spends most of its life at the dealership or dripping oil on your drive, it fails to operate as expected on any aspect of user expectations, if bits break of fall off, is it really a bargain or a false economy which continually plays on the mind.

I have yet to reach a final decision about my order but week by week as the issues encountered rise, the confidence in the vehicle drops.
Thanks for your post. The key metric for me is the amount of vehicles affected.
If all or the majority of new cars coming into the UK are leaking oil and restricting speed randomly and locking in owners etc then it really is a big concern - the build quality and testing must be very poor, and I personally would not buy one.
Let’s remember that this car has been around for quite a while outside of the UK, so we should not be seeing across the board issues by now.
I’m remaining positive in assuming that the vast majority of owners don’t encounter issues and are happy with their cars, but I’m taking a view without any supporting evidence. That is one of the reasons I try to get as much information as I can.
As we know forums do tend to produce a negative bias, but also provide an excellent source of knowledge, that in many instances, I’m afraid exceeds that of the dealerships….
Similar to couple recent comments. I have Trophy on order but it is very much in the balance. The bug arent filling me with confidence but its MG customer service looking so woeful being a big concern.

My main worry from what I have read here is that I will regret selling my i3. Its now old tech but schedule charges bang on every night, no software issues, efficient with good one pedal driving and simply, it just works.

The reasons I am hoping to still get the car is that aside from issues apparent on here there are no complaints that revolve around the core driving experience. The i3 has a poor ride and nowadays comparatively not much range. These 2 big issues will be cured with the 4 and driving in comfort and a good range are what is important to me when driving an ev. Another reason is it is a CAR and if you are looking for alternatives then they are way too £££ or a stupid SUV. So even when I am in my most worried moments about the 4 I have a look around and there are zero good alternatives!

Just hope down the line I dont realise the best alternative was the i3 I could have kept
We are not cancelling our order, far from it, the MG4 is a cracking drive.

In my view MG are fixing the problems really quickly and we have a good local dealer who is keeping us well informed.

Every new car forum is full of faults - ever look at a Tesla forum? ?

Certainly had less issues with the MG4 than my previous EV6 and Hyundai Konas.

Try to stay away from forums and Facebook a lot now as they have gone from places of EV owners helping each other to black holes of moaning and bleating
We are not cancelling our order, far from it, the MG4 is a cracking drive.

In my view MG are fixing the problems really quickly and we have a good local dealer who is keeping us well informed.

Every new car forum is full of faults - ever look at a Tesla forum? ?
Can you name and recommend your dealer?
What would cancelling an order entail, a viable reason would be required I assume? Loosing your deposit? (My local is asking £500)
From what I’ve seen, most dealers ask for £250 deposit. Just make sure it’s clear that it is refundable without a reason/conditions. Pay with a credit card if you can to get extra protection. That should not be a problem.
I think your view is very similar to that of not only many on the forum looking for insights but my own.

#Before anyone thinks, to type the forum immortal phrases of
"oh here we go, another moan about niggles",
"its a new platform, things should not be expected to be perfect"
"why do people post on a forum for a vehicle they don't own"
"well my car has been perfect"

Each forum member is empowered to share their experience's and thoughts, that is what makes these places so powerful, and a resource car manufacturers and dealerships ignore at their peril. So, please feel free to read, or not to read the following, but before you type, engage brain and be:
Open minded enough to counter any confirmation bias you may be experiencing

@Leni16 I too test drove the MG4 (it was a LR SE) on the 01st October, I loved the drive, didn't like that it had no rear view camera or heated seats, and lane assist was dangerous and turned itself back on each restart, but I ordered and placed my £250 deposit on a White Trophy.
I was told it would be around 12 weeks, e.g. by Christmas Eve, (however it is still TBA on the MG Dealer info page. so likely delivery perhaps Jan Feb 2023? Who knows) but waiting times and delays are to be expected for any car order (EV or ICE)

I then joined this forum to expand my knowledge of the vehicle, and to fully understand what owners of the early deliveries were finding out, any niggles, and tips I should look out for come my own delivery day.

To be fair, we have owned a VW ID.3 since Dec 2021, so I know EV's are not perfect and glitches and recalls abound, but I think the MG4 is now entering a level where I am no longer confident in it.

I know, we all suffer from confirmation bias, and people are way more likely to post a negative rather than sing a positive, I fully understand that, but some of the issues of late have been very significant.
In no particular order, I have read each thread and thought about what I would do if I had a car which exhibited these faults, imagined the stress and inconvenience and its when you "walk a mile in their shoes" that you start to think, why should we accept this at all.

Oil leak -
New ground has ben broken here, even for an ICE car, where many more moving parts and more opportunities for leaks may indeed exist, for a new EV to have it I was surprised.
I was even more surprised with MG's reaction, initial denials, then will only rectify & retro fit the fix if you experience the problem. Well, sorry, no, it should be a redesign not a botched job and ALL vehicles sold to date should be inspected and rectified. Furthermore, all deliveries post November 2022 should not have a car which has not had this corrected. Perhaps if a recall for this issue had manifest then as a consumer and user base / community, we would have had more confidence in the brand and the vehicle. The face it has been handled so shabbily erodes confidence in the brand, the vehicle and the competence of each and every dealership

Locked in (key issues) -
This one I find almost incomprehensible, that a brand new to market car has not been tested to the extent that this issue was not picked up. The fact it has escalated to a RECALL is one positive to be thankful of.
I wonder if the Oil leak should have been escalated to the same degree (I know this is more user impactful and potentially dangerous, hence its escalation,) but so could mechanical failure of the motor be impactful?

Restricted speed (Loss of Power) -
May be model specific, e.g. related only to SR-SE models, who knows, but a vehicle which fails to accelerate when merging onto fast moving traffic flow, for no apparent reason, whilst the SOC is more than 40%, and all other potential options are not engaged (ECO plus modes) it can put your life in danger and thus far I don't think it has been investigated or evaluated enough by MG.

Under Tray Dip/Bulge-
Ok, it may look cosmetic, but it serves a purpose, and the instance of a forum member hitting standing water and ripping part of it off, is exactly what was feared may happen. It is "not a design feature" is it a fault and one which may hinder efficiency and increase noise at speed, and lets not forget, its there to protect the lower most components, if open to the elements, it is not doing its function.

Partial deployment of Driver Airbag -
This one, is a poor reflection of build quality and if more of these instances come to light (as more and more units are in the field -With higher frequency, we should expect to observe more opportunities to fail) on a super critical item such as the driver's steering wheel airbag, then the rest of the issues just simply fade into the "also ran" category.

The Quality Also-Ran category:

Software glitches - these happen on all modern vehicles, and will continue to, as long as the MG dealer network learns how to install them correctly and regular updates are created and cascaded it should be an iterative loop of continuous improvement

Wheel balancing (or lack of it) -
A simple one but rumbles and vibrations on a new vehicle would not be expected. Simple wheel balancing I mean, come on guys, its simple.

Dead car - 12V Battery -
Perhaps the incorrect specification of a 12V battery could be to blame, perhaps the low temps (not anticipated) could be to blame, who knows.

Heater / Air conditioning - Incorrectly calibrated controls (no heat until 28 Deg C?) We also have instances of the wrong privacy glass for model spec being used, what is to say in some units they have the incorrect or worse, none fitted PTC heater elements. If the heater controls do not generate heat perhaps this is not down to software alone, perhaps they are missing components (I jest, partly, but would you put it past them to miss stuff out ? :D)

So, not an exhaustive list, as I am not trying to paint the ultimate negative picture, I'm really not, but all excuses aside, it isn't good enough, no matter how much of a value proposition the car may be, if it spends most of its life at the dealership or dripping oil on your drive, it fails to operate as expected on any aspect of user expectations, if bits break of fall off, is it really a bargain or a false economy which continually plays on the mind.

I know there is a lot to unpack here, mostly because it has been playing on my mind of late, and as we know we don't have concrete number of cars on the road Vs number of issues and it must be stressed, I have yet to reach a final decision about my order, I will wait for a delivery date and visually inspect the car before making any decision, but week by week as the issues encountered rise, the confidence in the vehicle drops.
Totally agree. Cancelled mine back in November due to the numerous reported problems. Will give it until Summer or perhaps a little later to see if these problems will be sorted. Such a shame as I loved the car when I test drove it. One thing that constantly niggles me though is the incessant praise being heaped on it by motoring journals/websites et. They just fail to take into consideration any post sales reviews.
From what I’ve seen, most dealers ask for £250 deposit. Just make sure it’s clear that it is refundable without a reason/conditions. Pay with a credit card if you can to get extra protection. That should not be a problem.
Got a feeling mine would want good grounds for a return of deposit & was definitely £500.

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