Yeah, here they had pitched gas heating very heavily, i have a former colleague that 2 years ago got a brand new gas fired central heating system installed.
He is NOT a happy guy at the moment.
Here a lot of houses use heating that comes in the form of hot water, directly from a heating plant, i use this method to heat my house as well.
Suddenly for some reason, a lot of roads are being dug up, to put in larger diameter pipes for this, and pavements being dug up, to connect houses to this heating source.
In 2016 we expanded out house, and at the same time we dug out the floors in about 80 sqm of our house, insulated it and put in floor heating.
We just about halved the energy usage per year, partly because of the leaky wall that we tore down, where we added the extra rooms to our house, and partly, because of the floor heating.
At that the savings were £600 a year, but right now the price for heating for us is about double, and i bet they will have to raise prices, come winter.
The price for this heating is not going to go totally bonkers, because some of the heat, comes from burning what we put in our trashcan, but i do believe they use some gas/oil so prices will go up.
Personally i dont fear the price hikes of water and heating so much, as the price hike of electricity.
I have told the kids that in winter, when we produce no electricity, they might be asked to use their laptop instead of their dual screen gaming computer setup, to watch youtube video's as the laptop uses significantly less power than the gaming computer.
Also we have agreed to lower the temperature in the house by 1-2 degrees, not so much to save money, but also to save on energy, so that there will be "enough for everybody".